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Reagan's PoV

I stood next to the other students in the gym. Their body heat was basically radiating off them in waves. Gross.

"Mr. Peterson seems like you've finally decided to arrive" The teacher spoke up, writing something down quickly on the clipboard before motioning everyone closer. I glanced behind me to meet those green eyes. They were staring back at me which made me shift around uncomfortably. I hated the fact that he was looking at me.
"You got a staring problem or something?" He questioned, his voice sent shivers down my spine in a way that made smile slightly. "I mean, you might have the same problem" I hummed, eyes not leaving his. He rolled his eyes before strolling past me over to the assistant teacher.

The shorts he wore fit tightly against his toned thighs. But what really gained my attention was the way he simply talked. He had an attitude, that was definite. But it only furthered my curiosity.

"Mr. Oden, come here for a second" Grumbling I slowly walked over to the teacher, I hated him just as much as I hated school. But what did he want now? That was the question rolling around in my head.

"What?" He simply rolled his eyes before patting my shoulder, which sent shivers throughout my body. Disgusting. "I know you're having a hard time at home, but with these absences, you'll probably fail. You know how your father is" I froze, glaring at him which only made him smile.

Bringing up my father was something I despised. He knew everything I was doing and my location. Hell, I think he probably sent a few guards in disguised as students. That doesn't surprise me. He had all the staff, and the principal wrapped around his finger.
Huffing I turn away and walk back over to the line while Peterson simply stared at me again. Who really has the staring problem? I felt myself become more pissed off at the second and his eyes weren't helping. They were burning holes in my body.

"Can you stop staring at me?" My voice came out with venom while he rolled his eyes.

"What's got you mad all of a sudden?" I glanced up at him to meet his eyes narrowed, and a frown on his face.

"None of your business, alright?" Yelling I stomped all the way back to the locker room, at least I didn't have to deal with anyone in there.

Shoving the door open it was completely empty, no one was there. I could change in peace. Why couldn't I just have a normal life? I obviously couldn't, especially since I have psychotic behavior.

The thought still made me want to burst into tears. But, that's the sad reality and my father found potential in me, as he would put it.
I was just a dog, doing all his dirty work, and I actually enjoyed it.


I sat down on the bench before pulling my shoes on.


"West can you get me some snacks?" I knocked on the car window while he ignored me. He turned towards me with a frown, before driving out of the parking lot without me. "West! Where are you going?" I chased after the car but soon gave up. "What the hell" I panted, placing my hands on my knees.

A car honked its horn behind me, making me jump. "Oh shit!" I glance behind me to see a red Mercedes and in its driver's seat was Peterson. I still didn't know his name. "What?" I walked up to the car, watching as the window rolled down.

"You need a ride? I saw he ditched you" Peterson laughed quietly. "Why would I get into a car, especially when I don't know your name." I hummed tapping the door.

"Zack" He groaned making me lean into the car near his face. "That's your name?" I smiled at him while he leaned further into the seat. "Get in or walk home" He rolled his eyes while I obediently walked over to the passenger side.

I wasn't going to pass up on a free ride. Hell, I wasn't that dumb.

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