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Reagan's PoV

"Sorry Reagan" West murmured underneath his breath while I sat up, my body felt a little shaky and it felt hot in the room. It wasn't his fault, he didn't schedule these things.

"Don't blame yourself. If we have to go to some stupid party then we have to." Standing up I sniffled, grabbing the white button-up off the bed.

I knew that I wouldn't hear the end of it if I didn't go see her. She personally invited us, even though she was a part of the reason as to why I was so fucked up.

Zack wouldn't be happy that I'm leaving, but he can't control me. I glanced down at the buttons before fumbling around with them.

"Button these for me, it's pissing me off" West immediately stood up in front of me and buttoned the top for me. I already had the pants on, but they were a hassle to get on.

"Reagan? How are you feeling?" Raven walked into the bedroom, she was wearing a dark blue suit with her hair pulled into a ponytail.

"I'm fine, I just need some air" Running a hand through my hair I stretched my arms out to allow West to slip the black jacket onto my body.

After fixing the jacket I walked to the door, watching Raven move to the side. My stomach started to turn but I pushed the feeling away.

"Let's go, Zack might be staying at his house" I rubbed my eyes while going down the stairs. Alexandria was sitting on the couch with a dark blue dress on, it was a pencil dress that came down to her mid-thigh along with a small slit on the left side. Her brown hair was curled at the ends.

"Don't you look beautiful" She glanced up at me, Alex had her makeup done, and had hoop earrings in with a gold necklace with a cross dangling from her neck.

"Don't you look handsome" Smiling she stood up and walked over towards me with wobbly legs. I glanced down at her shoes, they were black high heels.

"I don't normally wear shoes like this" Laughing Alex held onto the top of the couch.

"I can tell."

"What're you doing out of bed? In a suit too!" I looked up to the door to see Zack with a huge frown on his face. He was holding multiple bags along with a giant blanket.

"Zack I missed you" I walked up to him before grabbing a few bags from him.

"You didn't answer my question" He glared down at me, I only smiled at him.

"There's an event tonight, I'm sorry" I ran a hand against his cheek.

"It won't be too long I promise."

"No. No, and no. If you're going then I'm going too." I moved to the side out of his way. Zack put everything down onto the floor next to the front door. This was all from his mother?

"Ready to go Reagan?" Looking over my shoulder I saw West freeze in the middle of the staircase. He looked as if he had seen a ghost.


"You knew Reagan is sick, you stupid fuck. I can't believe you!" Zack shook his head.

"Go get me a suit, please" Covering his face with his hands he kicked off his boots, while West went back up the stairs.

"Maybe Reagan needs to get out a little" Raven put a hand on my shoulder, sending shivers up my spine. "No, he needs to stay in his room, away from people."

I could only stare at Zack and realize how possessive he became, it made my body feel warm and fuzzy. "Zack" I grabbed onto his sleeve, he turned to look at me with harsh eyes before they softened.

"Can we-"

"Here. Don't think you can just talk to me like that." Moving back I held in a laugh when a black suit went flying across the living room, hitting Zack in the face.

"Fuck you West" He grumbled.


"Here" Zack had his right arm around my waist while his other hand was holding out a mask. We had been sitting in the car for a few hours, I wasn't sure why it was such a long drive. Xavier was driving us, while West was driving Raven and Alex.

"Wear it so you don't get anyone else sick" They didn't bother me, but it was one reason why I wasn't looking forward to this banquet.

"How am I going to eat?" Pouting I wrapped the elastic around my ears before pulling the mask up over my face.

"We'll just take food home." I only hoped that it wasn't too crowded. Pushing my body closer to his I nestled my face against his chest. Zacks free hand found it's way into my hair, gently massaging.

"Do you think it's a good idea to bring Alexandria?" Zack broke the silence, and Xavier coughed.

I sat up slowly. I didn't think it was a good idea at all. In fact, I thought it was stupid as fuck. I wouldn't tell him that though.

"We just have to watch her." I felt my body start to become hot, Xavier had the heat up all the way-plus the heater in the seats were on too. So my ass felt like it was on fire.

"Xavier turn the heat down! For fucks sake I feel like I'm in hell" I leaned across Zack and opened the window.

"We're already here, so what was the point of you doing that?" Xavier grumbled which pissed me off.

"I swear you're just a demon, how can you deal with that heat?" Ignoring his comment I opened the backseat door and climbed out. Zack followed and stood next to me, staring up at the huge resort. There were people going in and out of the enterance.

"It's beautiful!" Looking to my side Raven was standing next to Alexandria holding onto her purse tightly and West was still at his car.

"Who's event is this anyways?" Questioning she took a quick glance over at me.

"It's my mother's" I smiled, ignoring the anger rising in my body.

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