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Zack's PoV

I sat across from Reagan, watching him down a full rack of ribs. Nothing seemed to really strike my attention so I got chicken alfredo. I know, basic.

We were currently at Apple bees. Nothing really expensive or fancy. I honestly thought he wouldn't enjoy it but he was thrilled. He was eager to get ribs with fries and a lemonade.
"Want dessert?" he glanced up at me before wiping his face with a napkin. Reagan sat up straight with a smile on his face.

"Of course."

I jumped hearing the familiar sound of heels clicking against the floor. I don't know how but our waitress was wearing black heels. Her hair was pulled up into a high puff and she wore glasses with a simple pencil skirt and a white top.
"How is everything you two? Up to your standards?" she glanced at both of us with a warm smile.
"Everything was great. I was wondering if I could get two slices of cheesecake please" Reagans eyes were lit up. He was crazy for cheesecake. It was okay, not my favorite thing. I liked the brownie desserts more.
"I'll bring that right out for you"
She leaned forward grabbing the empty plates before walking back down the aisle.

"What did you want to do after this?" I looked over at Reagan to see him frowning at his phone. "I wanted to stay out longer with you, but West just sent me a text. Supposedly there's another meeting for me to go to." Mumbling he let out a sigh before running a hand through his hair.


"Well that was fun right?" I looked over to Reagan while we were currently stopped at a red light. After West sent Reagan a text he was rushing to get back to the house. I wasn't too sure what was going on but it made me wonder.

"Yeah..." Whispering he leaned back in his seat. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander from his eyes to his lips.

"Stop staring you creep" The blush rushed to my face before I started to drive forward. "I can't help it, you're so beautiful."

He let out a laugh before rummaging around in the glove compartment. "And you—you're so cheesy sometimes."

"But it's a good thing, I really enjoy it." Reagan quickly said before tossing a small bottle of hand sanitizer in the compartment.

Turning slowly into the driveway I could see West standing at the front door with Raven behind him. They were both already dressed wearing full red suits.
"What the fuck is going on" Reagan groaned, opening the passenger side door after I turned the car off.

Hopping out of the car I watched Reagan walk over to them before he started to raise his voice.
"Why should I go see him? I don't care about one stupid meeting, it's not the end of the world—plus you already know what he did." he visibly started to shake and I felt my nerves rise. We're they talking about Andrew? Or his father? Just the thought of either of them had me tense. I wanted them both gone.

"Reagan" walking quickly to him I grabbed onto his wrist before glaring at West. If anything West should have waited inside to talk to Reagan about this instead of standing outside the house.

"If we don't go to this we'll be making ourselves vulnerable, whether you care or not. Anything can happen. People are already starting to spread rumors. I don't like this anymore than you do"

West said softly, placing his hands onto Reagans shoulders.

"How would we be vulnerable? Explain that to me!" Reagan shook off his hands and snatched his wrist away from me.

"I already said no, that's my final decision. Ask again and I'll fucking kill you"

Reagan pushed past West and Raven, leaving all three of us outside stunned.

But West seemed the most shocked, there were tears pooling in his eyes, and he was extremely hurt.

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