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Reagan's PoV

"Thank you" I whispered before hopping out of the car, glancing back Zack was staring up at the house with eyes full of wonder. It amazed me at how he was easily impressed at the sight of the house, I was used to it. "This is your house?" He looked down at me with wide eyes. I nodded my head slowly while he glanced back at it. "Can I-" Zack turned the car off before I glared at him. "No" I shook my head before walking over to the front door. "It's hell here, you wouldn't want to come inside" Smiling towards him, a blush tinted his cheeks. "Got it?" I shoved my hands into my pockets while he nodded his head. "Got it." He whispered softly. 

I waved, watching him back out of the driveway. "I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked with a grin on his face. My heart skipped a beat, making me nod my head. He drove down the street, leaving me outside alone. My emotions were soon replaced with anger when I burst through the door. "West! How could you just leave me like that?" I stomped through the house with my shoes still on, the smell of french toast hitting my nose. "That boy looked like he wanted to drive you, so I left." 

I sat down at the table with a frown while West shrugged his shoulders. I hated him when he was like this. It was annoying. "Still, you could've let me know that you saw him!" I yelled watching West place a plate of french toast and bacon in front of me. "This isn't breakfast time, I want steak" I pointed at the plate while he glared down at me. "Go buy steak then, I won't cook for you anymore." I whined quietly before shaking my head. "I'll eat it." I poured syrup over the french toast before cutting it into pieces.

 "You have an event tonight, I just found out" West said before placing two plates on the table. Raven and Xavier came downstairs already dressed. Raven wore a red pencil dress while Xavier wore a matching red suit. "The theme is red?" I glanced up at West while he nodded his head. "It's different for different groups."  He went back into the kitchen to clean up the mess. "I'm not wearing red. What if it gets violent? I won't be able to see the blood." I shoved a piece of french toast into my mouth before moaning quietly. West was such a good cook. Even with the simplest things. "It's a strict  dress-code, Reagan."


West groaned quietly when I stepped out of the car in a full white suit, from head to toe. I wanted to stand out, not blend in. Show my importance since I'm the Don of the Oden household. "You're so stubborn, Reagan" West whispered while Raven and Xavier laughed. I found it funny too, how he thought he could control me. "West, don't forget. You work for me." I patted his shoulders while we stood outside of an exclusive restaurant. My mind continued to wander to the thought of steak. My mouth watered slightly. 

"Reagan" West held his arm out for me to grab. I grabbed his arm, it made me feel like a woman. "Welcome, Mr. Oden" The man at the stand bowed slightly. "Let me show you to your table." I smiled at the man before following him. "West what is this event anyway?" I whispered in his ear making him shake his head. "Dinner party for some other Don's son" He rolled his eyes. I shouldn't be here then. "Let me know when you are ready to order" I nodded my head while West took my jacket off for me. 

Sitting down in the chair I watched as Raven and Xavier took the time scanning through the menu. "I'm having steak" I glared over towards West while he simply laughed. "That's why we didn't have it tonight" My heart fluttered at his laugh. Humming I look down at the menu. "Can I drink tonight, West?" I glanced up at him over the menu while he nodded his head. "Only a small amount" Smiling brightly I motion over the man from before. "I'll have a glass of red wine, please. The most expensive one" Grinning I watched as the man's eyes widened slightly. 

"Right away, Mr. Oden" He walked away while I kicked my feet a little underneath the table. I knew nothing about the different wines, but what I did know is that I wanted the most expensive one. West sighed quietly, gaining my attention. "What's wrong?" He looked up at me before shaking his head. "Nothing" a man stood up towards the back of the banquet hall, walking onto the stage. "Hello everyone, thank you all for coming. Tonight is a very important night." The man's hair was pulled back, revealing his sharp blue eyes. Everyone was silent while they stared up at him. "My dear son-Andrew Kealin, it's his birthday today, and also the day he takes over the Kealin Household!" 

Everyone clapped, watching with close eyes while Andrew walked onto the stage. My blood began to boil at the sight of him, but also a shiver ran down my spine. "West you didn't tell me it was for him" I whispered over to West while he glared down at his lap. "I didn't know" He said quietly, I could tell he was upset.  "Thank you all for coming, I have a special guest here tonight. It was a last-minute call, but he's important to me." My blood ran cold at his words. Please god, not me. I'll end up killing him. I scanned the crowd before my eyes landed on a certain waiter helping a table-Zack Peterson. Why did he have to be here? Was this Gods' punishment? "Reagan Oden! Come up here with me." He smiled brightly, everyone immediately looked towards me. Zack's head quickly looked around before his eyes landed on me. I stared at him with wide eyes.

 "F-fuck" I whispered before standing up slowly. People slowly started clapping while I glared at Andrew. I hated him even more for this. Slowly making my way over to him he held his hand out for me to take, and like a dumbass I took his hand. "Reagan is someone I hope to work with more, and maybe even become something more." He winked at me, making my stomach turn. I glanced down at the crowd before meeting Zacks eyes yet again. My face heated up at how he was looking at me. Look away! Please! I felt so vulnerable up here. 

I glanced down at the floor, jumping slightly as Zack slowly walked closer to the stage. "Sir he doesn't look too well" Andrew glared down at Zack, but Zack kept a blank expression on his face. He wasn't fazed in the slightest. "I'll take you back to your seat, Mr. Oden" My last name left past his lips making my face heat up more. Zack held his hand out for me while Andrew still had his hand on my waist. I put my hand on top of Zack's. I didn't even notice that I was shaking. He led me back to my seat before smiling down at me. 

"I-I need to use the bathroom" I stood up before pushing past Zack. Everyone was silent while everything happened. I stood in the bathroom near the sink, embarrassed by everything, but most importantly angry. Andrew Kealin. I despised him. "You okay?" Zack walked into the bathroom while I looked up at him with tear-filled eyes. 

I felt vulnerable. I was. The harsh reality. 

"T-Take me home" I sobbed rubbing my eyes. I never cried, but when I did I'd always break something. Zack nodded his head before leading me out of the bathroom to the back door. "No one will see you leave, want me to drive you?" Nodding my head I looked down at the floor. 

The walk to his car wasn't long, I sat in the passenger seat. My face stained with tears. "I won't ask about anything that just happened, or what you do." He said softly while I leaned back in the seat. West didn't even come to help me. He didn't even look into what happened. Why should I go home? "Don't take me home" I sat up promptly making Zack jump slightly. "Where do you want to go?" He questioned, eyes staring at the road. It was pitch black out. 

Where did I want to go? 

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