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Reagan's PoV

I slowly opened my eyes to be met with bright light shining through the curtains. Honestly I hated getting up in the morning, but outside was always quiet and I enjoyed that.

Attempting to sit up I fall back, looking next to me to see Zack with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and his legs tangled with mine.
He looked so peaceful when he slept, he had no worries unlike me. "Zack" Tapping his shoulder he groaned quietly, his grip tightening on my waist.

"Get off of me already" I smacked his arm, making him jump back. Zack's eyes were wide with confusion, along with slight bags underneath. "What'd I do?" Rubbing his eyes with his free hand I pointed mine towards my waist. "I guess you like to cuddle when you sleep"

He frowned, rolling over to lay on his back with his hand behind his head. "West said the same thing about you last night" West? Oh my God!
Did he think that West and I were in a relationship?

"Are you and West.. Like together?" I looked over to him, his eyes were closed while my emotions we're running wild. No way!

"No! He's like family to me" I felt my face heat up at how loud I got. Zack's eyes were now trained on me. "Wasn't sure, sorry" It looked as if he had a slight blush tinting his face, but maybe it was just hot in the room.

The door swung open, West walked in with his hands on his hips, and a frown on his face. "You guys are still here? Get out! You both got school!"
I jumped out of the bed, one thing I knew was was that West was scary when he was upset.


"I still can't believe you're having trouble getting pants on" Laughing I glanced over at Zack to see his face beet red. "Don't say that in public!"

He shushed me, putting a finger to my lips while he walked with the crutches. I knew exactly why he didn't want people to hear that. They would get the wrong idea.

"So good you needed crutches" Sticking my tongue out I held back the urge to laugh when I heard a few people gasp. "Reagan" Zack had a frown on his face, shit I got him upset. "Sorry—"

"I would definitely top you, so you would be the one with the crutches, sorry" He walked ahead of me while I stopped in my tracks.

What the fuck.

My face was probably as red as a tomato. Zack came to a stop near door to English, glancing back at me. "You coming?"

Nodding my head I quickly went over to him, following into the room. There were a few students in the room but not many. The person who stuck out the most was Brian.

He looked over at the door before his eyes landed on me. I hated his eyes, and his family. Smiling at me he stood up, walking over towards me while I pressed my body behind Zack. 

"Reagan! How have you been?" I grabbed onto the back of Zacks shirt. His body went stiff, he probably had an idea of what was wrong.

"He's fine, mind telling me your name?" Zack looked at him with a hard glare. You'd think that since I'm 'powerful' with certain things I would be able to handle this, but they all made me feel disgusting.

"Brian Kealin" He stuck his hand out, Zack only stood still, walking around him with me right behind him.

"Everyone sit down, we're getting ready to start" I sat down in the back with Zack next to me, he placed his crutches next to him against the wall.

"Is he related to that one guy?" Laying his head against the desk I looked over to him.


"I could tell, they're both really unattractive."
Zack was something else when it came to his little jokes. But I knew it was an attempt to make me feel better.

"Right? They all look like toads" I purposely said it a little louder, gaining Brians attention towards us. Sticking my tongue out I heard Zack laugh quietly next to me.

"Don't let that family get to you, see how easy it was for me to make you laugh?" Zack rubbed my back, making me smile.

Brian had a frown on his face which only made me feel powerful.

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