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Reagan's PoV

I held Zacks hand tight while I scanned outside the window. The snow was slowly falling, getting heavier at the second.

The way the car was flipped made me dizzy but it didn't stop me from grabbing the small pistol placed in my bag. I knew that Andrew had something to do with this.

"Zack I'm going to unbuckle you, alright?" I unbuckled myself before carefully reaching over to do the same to him. I jumped feeling droplets hit my face.

"Zack?" He had his eyes closed and was breathing heavily. I looked up to see his left leg bleeding, part of his bone sticking out.

"Oh my God! Zack you're not okay! Why would you lie dumbass" I carefully helped him settle down so that he was resting on the roof of the car.

I jumped as I heard footsteps approach the car. "They should be dead, Mr. Kealin" I grinned listening to him assume. "S-Shit" I tapped Zack's shoulder, he slowly opened his eyes.

"I'm fine" I rolled my eyes before handing him my phone. "Call West for me, tell him our location and what happened." He nodded his head while I leaned forward against the door, aiming the pistol towards the man's armed hand before firing the gun.

He yelled out before I quickly pushed the door open, kicking him in the stomach. "Fuck off" I breathed out, firing two shots in his legs before standing on his arms. His blood spilled into the snow, staining it a deep crimson.

"Andrew sent you right? He's on the phone?" I grabbed the phone before putting him on speaker.

"Andrew, nice of you to send a gift." The guy below me had brown eyes and a buzz cut. Even though he was larger than me, I easily took him down.

"Reagan, how are you sweetheart? How's that busboy?" I glared down at the man, feeling the anger bubbling at the pit of my stomach.

"Shouldn't have sent someone, come yourself next time. Also second time I'm killing one of your guys." I hung up the phone before firing a shot at his head. Closing my eyes I felt the blood splatter on my face.

I listened as the sound rang out. "Zack?" I walked back over to the car, peeking in to see him passed out with my phone at his side.

"Fuck." I grabbed my phone before dialing West. "Reagan! Where are you?" I looked down at Zack with wide eyes, he lost a ton of blood. "W-West, Z-Zacks hurt really bad, we were in a car accident" I sobbed before dropping myself down onto the floor.


I sat in the chair in the waiting room, we ended up taking Zack to the family's hospital. That's the only way my father really didn't get caught. I held my phone tightly in my hands, flipping it occasionally.

"Reagan you should go get checked out, he'll be alright." West sat next to me with a bottle of water. "I know, but I'm fine" I looked over at West, jumping as he gently wiped away the blood on my face with a wipe.

"Still.." He whispered while I closed my eyes. "I just want to make sure he's fine. I'm waiting until he wakes up"

Leaning back in the seat I ran a hand through my hair. "It was Andrew, West." My body tensed up at his name, he would pay for doing this.

"We'll get him back, and we'll hit him harder than he hit us" What did he have planned? West whispered in my ear, earning a grin from me.

"West, sometimes I wonder how cruel you actually are." I laughed, he only shrugged his shoulders, opening the bottle to sip on the water.

"Mr. Oden?" Looking up quickly a nurse with short red hair came walking up to us with a clipboard in her hand.

"He just got out of surgery about twenty minutes ago, so he should be waking up now." She smiled down at me while I glared.

How come she didn't tell me twenty minutes ago?

"Here's his room number" She handed me a small card that had the number written down. '137' That's on the first floor. "West, I'm going." I stood up not waiting for his response. I needed to know that he was perfectly fine and nothing else was wrong.

After scanning the different rooms I finally came to a stop in front of his. Zack. I hated the fact that I have become more emotional.

I moved my hand towards the doorknob, taking it with a shaky hand. Was I ready? He would find out everything that my life is.

"Fuck it" I pushed the door open to see him staring up at the television, mindlessly flipping through the stations.

Not even paying attention to me. His left leg was pulled up slightly, wrapped in a cast while the other was fine.

"Zack?" He looked over at me, giving me a small smile. "Hey Reagan" Walking over to him I sat in the chair before letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"H-Hey don't start crying" Zack patted my head while I rubbed my eyes, feeling the tears spill over. "I-it's my fault" Covering my face with my hands I let all of my pent up emotions out.

"Don't blame yourself" Sighing he pulled me into his arms while I leaned against his chest.

What hurt the most was that I wasn't lying, it was my fault.

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