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Zack's PoV 

"Where are we going?" I looked over at West, he had his eyes on the road while he drove. I had gotten picked up early from school. I had to go, and I couldn't tell my mother what Reagan did. "We're going to get you.." He looked over at me with a frown.

 "A proper outfit." I was wearing a sweatsuit that was black with white air forces. Sighing I leaned my head against the window. "So I just have to do his work until we can get a lead?"

"Exactly." West pulled into the parking lot near the mall. "If we already know who took Reagan how come we don't just go get him now?" I opened the door, West only groaned. "The Kealin family has multiple buildings and houses, it'll be easier doing it this way." Nodding my head I followed West into the mall, gaining the attention of a few girls. West stood out like a sore thumb and it's embarrassing as hell. "How come you had to pick me up in your work attire?" 

He glanced back at me, narrowing his eyes. "We have somewhere to go right after this, and you need a haircut desperately." I felt myself tense up a little. I loved how my hair looked, but was he right? "I don't want to cut it yet" Running my hand through my hair he laughed at me. It was nerve wracking thinking about what I had to do. I could easily just say forget it and leave all of this behind, including Reagan. But, my feelings for him where there and I couldn't just bring myself to erase him. 

"D-do you think they hurt him?" I grabbed West's arm as we stopped in the store. He looked as if he was thinking for a moment. "I don't want to think about that" He whispered, clearing his throat he smiled at the store clerk. 

"What can I do for you gentlemen?" The man has gray hair that was pulled back and he wore a black suit with a black tie. "Please help us find something that will suit him well, as well as something that will go with his blond hair" 

The clerk nodded his head eagerly then motioned us towards the back. God, this would be time consuming, I just wanted Reagan back.  


"How does this look?" I stepped out of the dressing room to see West scrolling through his phone. "West!" He looked up at me with a frown before smiling. "Perfect, we're getting this one." He stood up, I glanced behind me back at the mirror. It was a deep burgundy suit with a black tie, along with black dress suits. 

It seemed to me like it showed off some muscle, but not too much. "I'll cash you out at the front." We followed the clerk to the register. "He's going to wear it out now?" He looked at me with confusion. "We have a very important event to be getting to." West smiled. "Oh, I hope you two have fun. You're total is 426.85" My eyes widened, wait a damn minute. "W-why is it so expensive?"  I looked up at West to see him swiping his card. "It's the brand that makes it so expensive." 

West took the recipt and we walked out of the store. "I wish you would've told me before." Mumbling I noticed the looks we were getting now. They were looking at both of us now. "Time to cut your hair" West ruffled my hair. "No!" He smiled down at me, he was evil. "I'm not ready to part ways with it yet" 

He only shrugged his shoulders, pushing me into the barber shop. "We're getting this done, both of us." West was getting his hair cut too? Sighing he walked up to the man, he had dark brown curly hair that was faded. 

After they talked for a moment a woman came out of the back room and motioned me over to the chair. "Please don't cut it too short" I looked over at her with pleading eyes. She laughed at me. "Don't worry I won't" She played with my hair for a moment, across from me was West. He had his eyes closed while the man got to work.

 "What type of cut were you looking for?"  

West touched his hair, the black locks were going past his eyes slightly. "Just a trim on most of it and a touch up on my undercut" The man nodded his head while West scrolled through his phone. 

It didn't take long for us at all, but once I looked in the mirror I wanted to curl up. "West" I whined, looking over to him, I touched my hair, the sides were faded along with the back and my hair wasn't too short but it definely wasn't as long as it was before. 

"You look fine" West handed the man and woman two stacks of cash. Their eyes widened "T-this much are you sure?" She stuttered. "You both did a great job, thank you." 

"Anytime, feel free to come back" 

We walked out of the shop, West had stopped to get himself chicken nuggets and a milkshake while I only had gotten a water bottle. "I thought you said we were eating at the event?" West chomped down on his chicken nuggest while he drove. 

"We are, but I'm hungry" He fished through the container then grabbed another. "This event is really important, it's a dinner party for Reagan's uncle, and Andrew Kealin will be there along with Reagan's father." 

My blood ran cold at the thought of Andrew. We only had an idea that Andrew had taken him, but it was more than likely that he did. Only because he seemed so obsessed. 

"We're getting him back no matter what, Zack. You know what that means" Nodding my head I sat up in the car. 

There's a chance we'll have to kill people. 

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