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Zack's PoV

"Why don't you ask Andrew yourself?" Reagan stood still next to me while I felt my anger become overwhelming. Looking behind us I saw Andrew walking through the front door. 

My body felt numb still at the alcohol. That wouldn't stop me from beating the fuck out of him. 

I looked back at his father and mother, she seemed absolutely clueless as to what her husband did. "Reagan is mine, and will always be mine. Andrew will never have Reagan." 

Grabbing Reagan's hand I pulled him away from them and pushed through the crowd. "West" I tapped his shoulder, he looked over at me with a surprised gaze. "Yes?" 

"Give us our room key, keep an eye on Quinton." West handed us a key before looking at Reagan. He looked worried and attempted to speak up. People gave us looks but didn't say anything. 

My mind was full of questions and dangerous thoughts. I quickly walked down the hallway to the elevator and pressed the button with Reagan next to me. 

The elevator door shut and I pressed the fourth floor. It was silent, Reagan didn't say a word and it made me want to beat his father. I let out a sigh, running my hand through my hair. 

"Marrying Andrew? I don't want to marry him" Reagan finally broke the silence and grabbed onto my arm as if I would disappear. I looked down at him to see tears streaming down his face. 

"I-I don't want to" He slowly started falling apart. Reagan was soon bawling his eyes out and I cupped his face in my hand.

 "You won't marry him" I pressed my lips against his forehead before pulling down his mask. "Your fever went down, how're you feeling?" 

He closed his eyes and pushed his face against my chest "Please c-carry me" He wrapped his arms around me tightly and I moved my hands to his thighs before picking him up. 

"Anything for you" The elevator door opened and I stepped out, feeling a shiver run down my spine. I went into an elevator without thinking. I didn't like them too much. 

Walking down the hallway I looked at the key, '742' was engraved on it. It didn't take too long before we got to the room, after fumbling with the key for a while I pushed open the door, the walls were white with gold trim, there was a balcony with gold curtains and the king-size bed had white and gold sheets.

 "I think you'll like this" I pressed a kiss against his neck before kicking my shoes off and pushing the door shut. He let out a quiet whine and wrapped his arms around me tighter. 

Walking towards the bed I gently put him down to see the tears gone and now there was a blush on his face. 

"You're drunk" He murmured, looking away from me. I was a little tipsy, but I wasn't out of it. "Not really" I slipped the jacket off my body before unbuttoning the shirt. "What're you doing?" I looked down at him to see him peaking at me.

 "No peaking-" I tapped his leg with my hand. 

"-I'm getting comfortable." I turned away from him to pull the dress pants off my legs, I still had to be careful of my leg, even though it was healed mostly, I couldn't risk hurting myself. There was a ruffling noise behind me and I assumed Reagan was underneath the covers.

 "Are the blankets soft?" I looked over to see him laying on his stomach with his pants and shirt off. 

He only had his underwear on. "What're you doing?" Laughing I looked away as the blush warmed my face. 

"No peaking" Reagan mocked me, what would I do without him? "I'll go get us pajamas" I dropped the clothes in my hands and went to go towards the dresser before I felt his hand grab my arm. 

"D-don't, let's lay l-like this" My body froze, glancing over my shoulder there was a blush on his face, Reagan was kneeling on the bed with the blanket bunched in his hand. 

"A-Anything for you, Reagan" I covered my eyes with my hand before walking back towards the bed. I could hear him laugh quietly. Sitting down on the edge of the bed I felt his hands grab onto mine.

 "Stop covering your eyes, stupid" I slowly moved my hand down to see him with the blanket over his shoulders. 

"I shouldn't look, you're just too cute" I looked away jokingly, he only laughed. 

"Please Zack" He leaned forward, pressing his lips against my cheek. "Fine, all you had to do was say please" I laid on the bed, pulling him on top of me. 

"Hello there." He laughed, cupping my face in his hand I smiled.

 "Hello there, angel" I cupped his ass before landing a light smack on it. He sat up quickly and I felt like I had done something wrong. 


His face was as red as a tomato, and he squirmed on my lap. Did he like that? Or did it scared him? Reagan looked away from me, biting his lip. I sat up with him on my lap, my hands on his waist. 

"Did you like that Reagan?" I looked at him, feeling my body get warm at the feeling of him on me. "Stop, Zack" He covered his face with his hands. 

"You did like that!" Gasping I closed my eyes as he tapped my face with his hand. "Stop Zackery" My actual name leaving his lips somehow turned me on more. 

"You did like it though" I traced circles along his hips. He still wasn't looking at me. "It's okay to like that, Reagan" I leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his collar bone. His hands were now placed on my shoulders. 

"Look at me angel" I glanced up at him to see his head slowly looking down. For someone who seemed so tough, in reality, he was fragile. 

"So beautiful" I peppered his collarbone and neck with kisses. 

"Admit it, you liked it" Stopping I leaned back, Reagan looked as if he was drunk off of just kisses.

 "No" He looked away with a frown. Why wouldn't he admit it? I ran my hands against his thighs, feeling the goosebumps on his legs. 

"Don't be a bad boy" He froze, turning his head slowly. 

"Strike a nerve?" I smiled at him to see the blush still evident on his face. "Come here already." I removed my hands from his legs and put them behind my head. Closing my eyes I let out a sigh. 

"Bad boys don't get rewarded" 

I felt him move on my lap before his breath fanned against my face. I waited patiently for him to initiate the kiss.

 I hummed, feeling his soft lips press against mine, moving my hands from behind my head I wrapped them around his waist, pulling him down against my chest. 

"What a good boy" I mumbled against his lips, he whined quietly, pulling at my hair. Reagan opened his mouth allowing my tongue access. After a few seconds I pulled away from him, he was breathing heavily with his eyes closed.

 "Admit it, you liked it when I smacked your ass." He let out a shaky breath before speaking up. "I-I liked it, a lot" He quickly said before pressing his face against my chest. 

"Reagan, Zackery, I have dinner" I immediately threw the covers over us right when the door opened. It was his mother, she had a cart with two steak dinners and a bottle of wine with two glasses. Her eyes widened in surprise. 

"J-Just leave it there, t-thank you" Reagan stuttered out. "Anytime, enjoy" She said before turning away to shut the door. 

Once she shut the door I finally let out the breath I was holding. 

"Holy fuck.." 

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