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Reagan's PoV

I opened my eyes slowly to meet the sun shining through the curtains, my body felt overheated by the heavy blanket that was draped across my body. But what made me jump up was the arm around my waist. I sat up, looking down to see Zack snoring quietly while his hair was messy and sticking up in some places. along with the fact that he was drooling. Laughing quietly I gently moved his arm away from me before getting out of the bed, slipping my feet into the soft pink slippers. My phone rang from the nightstand. Probably West, wondering where I was and if I was in trouble. I grabbed my phone before putting it on do not disturb. I was enjoying myself and him ruining this wasn't on my agenda. 

I went into the kitchen before pulling out the griddle from the oven, along with pancake mix. My stomach was growling at the thought of them with strawberries on top. After mixing the batter I had made five pancakes, but Zack would probably eat more than that.

Humming I poured more batter onto the griddle, then moved the finished pancakes onto the plate. The curtains were opened, letting the light flood in but Zack was still asleep. I could never sleep in this late. My face twisted in disgust at the smell of something burning. 

 "Oh my god!" I quickly moved the pot off the stove to see the strawberry compote burned. "I can't believe I ruined it"  Sighing to myself I pull out another pot, along with more frozen strawberries and sugar. This time I would keep my eyes on it. "What's that smell?" I glanced behind me to meet Zack, shirtless. I glared at him, although it was a sight to see. I couldn't indulge myself. "How did you get your shirt off?"

 I turned my attention to the pancakes and compote. After I thought there were enough pancakes I turned the heat off and poured the compote into a bowl. "My shirt?" I moved the plate of pancakes to the island. He whispered quietly, glancing down at his body before looking up quickly with a blush.

 "S-Sorry!" Zack quickly said, rushing back to the bed. I laughed, grabbing two plates to put pancakes on each for us. "When are we leaving?" Zack came back into the kitchen while attempting to put his shirt on. 

"After we eat" Rolling my eyes I put some strawberry compote on top of my two pancakes. He nodded his head, taking a seat in the chair closer to me. I felt myself squirm slightly. Zack poured a hefty amount of syrup on his four pancakes before digging in. I watched with wide eyes as he devoured those four pancakes quickly. Zack leaned over to grab another pancake. "You eat a lot" I whispered while finishing my last piece. He murmured under his breath with a mouth full of pancakes. "Please, don't talk with your mouth full" I stood up to put the plate in the sink.  

I walked back towards the bedroom area to grab my clothes. "I didn't bring extras" Whispering I groan, dropping myself onto the bed. I didn't want to walk out in a suit. "Want my hoodie?" Zack tapped my shoulder, making me look behind me to see a blush on his face. "Give it" He tossed his hoodie towards me, along with a pair of sweatpants. 

Grabbing the clothes I walked into the bathroom to change, the scent of his cologne basically was drowning the hoodie and sweatpants, but I didn't mind. I pulled the hoodie over my head, the sleeves falling past my hands, making me realize how small I really was. I hated it. After getting the sweatpants on I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was sticking up slightly, so I grabbed the brush off the counter to brush it down. 

Opening the door slowly I walked out to see Zack sitting on the bed, phone in hand and a frown on his face. "Ready to go?" I tapped his shoulder, he looked up at me, nodding his head.  


I laughed while Zack simply looked at his phone. I was enjoying myself with him, even though he pissed me off. He seemed lost in his own world and the look he had on his face wouldn't leave. "Zack" Whispering he quickly glanced down at me while I smiled up at him. "Thank you" I bumped him with my elbow, he nodded his head slowly, making his blonde locks move swiftly. 

"You're welcome" He whispered, patting my head. My face heated up while I watched his hair move with his movements. It was a beautiful honey blonde"You should get a hair cut" Zack's eyes widened in surprise. 

"What? Never" He ran a hand through his hair making my face heat up. "I think it'd suit you better" Rolling my eyes I looked forward towards the lobby to meet a familiar figure. 

"A-Andrew" I stuttered before grabbing onto Zack's sleeve. Why is he here? shouldn't he be at his house or something? Zack glanced down at me before looking up to see Andrew. Zack sucked his teeth, rolling his eyes he put his arm around my waist while I put my hands at my side. "I know he makes you uncomfortable, so just deal with this" 

Zack whispered I looked up at him to see a blush on his face. I hummed quietly while we walked further into the lobby, which only sent my nerves flying through the roof. Andrew had multiple guards around him that were undercover as friends, along with two women at his sides. He looked over at us while one of the women grabbed the key from the receptionist. 

"Reagan? Is that you? How come you-" Andrew quickly walked over to us before looking at Zack with a  glare. "So you went with the busboy" Andrew glanced down at me with anger in his eyes. The look he was giving me made my body burn with disgust. I couldn't believe him. Andrew acted as if he controlled me. 

"He did go with me, but this busboy has a name" Zack spoke up making me look up at him, he had a grin on his face that made me squirm slightly. Andrew watched me with narrow eyes, that alone made me freeze.

 "Come on, Reagan. Leave the boy and come have fun with me instead" He had that same fire in his eyes from before. I stood frozen, unable to even speak. I didn't like him. I needed him dead.  Andrew hummed before moving his hand towards mine. I jumped slightly as Zack grabbed Andrew's hand, looking at him with a glare. 

"Don't touch him" Zack growled, Andrew pulled his hand out of his grasp. "Just wait, Reagan. You'll be crying to me once your busboy is gone" My blood ran cold at his threat and I felt the tears pool in my eyes. Andrew walked past us with his guards following after him like puppies. 

"I'll kill him" I whispered, balling my hands into fists while Zack moved to stand in front of me. "Reagan" Zack said softly, moving his hand to wipe away the tears that fell. 

"Let's leave" I smiled, grabbing his arm to pull him out of the hotel. 

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