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Reagan's PoV

I slowly opened my eyes and was met with a woman with brown eyes and black hair staring down at me. "What the fuck!" I jumped, backing myself away until my back hit the headboard. She let out a squeak, almost dropping the tray on her lap. "Where am I?" I narrowed my eyes, she looked as if she was staring at the devil himself. Maybe she was. "Are you really Reagan Oden?" Murmuring under her breath she glanced up through her lashes. "Answer my question first." 

I pushed my body forward, it felt fuzzy as I pushed her down, knocking the tray onto the carpet. The grilled cheese sandwich landed near the nightstand. "Where am I? Don't make me force you baby" Moving my hand towards her neck tears pooled in her eyes. "I don't have an issue hurting you"
She whimpered, before mumbling underneath her breath. "Say that again."
Tightening the grip she gasped "One of M-Mr. Kealins residences"
I knew it. He is way too obsessed with me.

 "Thanks doll" Removing my hand I gently climbed off her and got off the bed. I glanced behind me to see her sitting with her hands against her face. "I-I wasn't supposed to tell you" Looking up at me with tears streaming down her face she had terror written on her face. It actually made me feel bad.
I whipped my head around when the door swung open and the man himself walked in. "Hello my sweet prince" 

Andrew blew me a kiss that made me sick to my stomach. He was wearing gray sweatpants and a black shirt along with black slippers. He didn't look as if he just woke up, but that told me that it wasn't late afternoon, probably around eleven in the morning.  "You're so disgusting" I crossed my arms while he only laughed. "Whats wrong Alexandria? I knew that you couldn't handle him" Andrew looked past me over towards the crying girl. Alexandria? "Where am I?" I cut him off, his eyes widened in surprise. 

"You didn't tell him? Good girl, come here" He motioned her over towards him. Even though I knew I wouldn't let her get into trouble. Alexandria slowly walked over to him with hesitation. She was scared of him. What do he do to her?
"Reagan, you come too." He held his hand out.
Shaking my head I glared at him. "I would rather starve than follow you, you disgusting pig"

I walked back over to the bed before yelping as I felt a tight grip on my arm, it wasn't enough to make me cry, but it took me by surprise. "You're with me now, Reagan. I would drop the attitude if I were you" I glanced behind me to see a glare on his face, his green eyes seemed somewhat darker. He was angry. "Fuck off" Snatching my arm away I turned around to face him. He was definetly taller than me but that wouldn't make me back down. Andrew knew who I was and how I handled things. 

"Don't make me do this the hard way" Sighing he moved his hand up to cup my face, I stood stilll, watching him with narrow eyes. Gouging his eyes out seemed like the perfect idea, blind him so he wouldn't be able to see me ever again. "Fuck. You." I spit in his face, Andrews expression quickly changed as he grabbed my chin, pushing me down onto the bed.

"I tried warning you" He growled lowly, pushing his knee between my legs I grabbed his arm, watching with wide eyes. "I'll kill you" I closed my eyes tightly as his hand came in contact with my face. The area stung and made my eyes water. "Be a good boy, or else you'll have to take this punishment" He cooed, moving the hair away from my eyes. 


What did he think he could do? I wouldn't break as easily as he thought. "I'd rather take the punishment than be near you" I turned my head away from him, listening to him hum in response. "Really?" He tilted my face towards him, making me look him in the eyes. Andrew raised a brow at my statement. It was true. I would rather take it than be anywhere near him. "Alexandria, get Ian and Gabriel" 

She nodded her head but froze when I glanced over towards her. "Y-yes sir." Alex rushed out of the room, leaving us alone. It was quiet for a moment, I looked anywhere in the room but at him. "Reagan you're so stubborn" Andrew whispered, pressing his lips against my forehead. I immediately felt the vomit rise up into my throat at the contact. 

"Stop" I pushed my hands against his chest when he kept moving his lips down my neck. Tears pooled in my eyes, not because of fear, but because he was disgusting. My mind kept wandering to Zack. I would rather have him kissing me than Andrew. Zack kissing me? What kind of thoughts was I having now? 

Andrew stopped, looking back at the door, the man from before was standing there in his suit, he glared at me. The other had a buzz cut and a tattoo of a snake running up his neck. "Ian, Gabriel, take him down into the cell" Andrew climbed off of me while I sat up, there was a shiver than ran down my spine. "Freaky" Mumbling I watched the two men walk over to me before grabbing my arms, one took out a syringe and I felt my body go rigid.

 "Keep that shit away from me!" Thrashing around in their grip I sucked in a breath, feeling the needle pierce my skin. "Don't make this harder, Reagan" Andrew cupped my face in his hands while everything around him started to spin. "I hate you" I slumped over before closing my eyes. 


Opening my eyes I felt a breeze brush over my legs, making me shiver. "F-fuck" I attempted to move my arms but failed. I glanced up to see them chained against the wall, the cuffs broke some skin because of how tight they where. I looked back down to see my pants gone, the only thing I had on was a white shirt and my underwear.

 "That fucking pig" Scanning the area there was a table in the left corner with a lamp on it and a door to the right of it. I jumped slightly as it opened, revealing Alex holding a tray of soup with a piece of bread. "I'm not hungry" Glaring at her she visibly tensed up, but walked forward then kneeled down in front of me. Alex placed the tray down. 

"P-please eat, or else he'll hurt you" She whispered, looking up at me with pleading eyes. I raised a brow at her, who did she think I was. "Do you not know what I do? Hurt me? I'd like to see him try" I kicked my leg out, knocking the bowl of soup over. Alex winced as it spilled onto her. "I'll get out of here, but before I do I'll dismember his body and send it to his father" I smiled at her, her face paled. 

"Really Reagan?" Andrew stood in the doorway, but instead of sweatpants he now wore a black suit. Alex stood up quickly and looked over to him with tear filled eyes. I hated her. "Go change, we have a dinner party to go to." She nodded her head and quickly left. "I'll be leaving Reagan, will you behave and come with me?" 

Andrew walked over to me than knelt down. "Never in your fucking life will I go with you anywhere" Frowning he grabbed my neck, squeezing it tight while I gasped for air. His grip continued to tighten, making my body feel fuzzy. The effects of the drug didn't wear off yet, and him choking me didn't help. 

"Drop the attitude, or else" He glared, while I only smiled. "Or else what?" I choked out, he released my neck and stood up. "Your father told me a little secret." My blood ran cold. My father? I knew he hated me but-

"We made a deal, I help his buisness and he gives me you in return" My father traded me off? He couldn't have. West would have known about him doing anything like that. What if West knew? I thought back to times where West would be distant. But he wouldn't ever do something like this. If he was in on this I'll kill him.

 "I'll kill the both of you then, it'll be fun watching the life leave your eyes" I grinned, tugging my arms forward, I felt the blood drip down my arms but it didn't matter. The pain in my heart was worse. "I'll kill every member of the Kealin family, no matter how long it takes." 

"You won't be thinking that after a few days, goodbye Reagan" Andrew walked towards the door and stood still. "I'll come check on you tomorrow morning" He flicked the lights off and I felt my body freeze. I heard the door shut but couldn't see a thing. 

"A-Andrew?" Tears pricked my eyes I knew there was no one there, but it felt as if I wasn't alone in here. Let me out! I thrashed around, feeling the wounds on my wrists open deeper. 

"L-let me out!" I screamed until my throat felt raw. 

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