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Reagan's PoV

I sat on the bed, examining the cuts and bruises on my body before Andrew burst through the door in a fit of rage.

"W-what's wrong-" He shoved me down onto the bed, earning a cry from me.

"Alexandria's gone and you're stupid family has something to do with it. I know it" Whispering in my ear it sent a shiver of disgust down my spine.

"I don't know what you want me to do" I whimpered, tears pooled in my eyes as his hand worked its way up my shirt.

"You don't have to do anything, everything will get sorted out" I felt him press his bulge against my thigh. "Just make me feel better" I hid his face in the crook of my neck. I hated Andrew and I would kill him.

Did I want to get punished? No.

My hands slowly moved underneath his arms and around his back. He hummed quietly. We laid like that for a while before he sat up, offering me his hand.

"Let's go eat dinner, as I promised Ian won't be by you anymore" I stood up, my legs were still shaking a little, Andrew didn't try anything, which calmed me a little but it didn't stop me from being afraid of him even more now. He could hurt me anytime. My body trembled in fear at the thought of being alone with Andrew again.

I followed him out of his room into the dining room, Ian was sitting in the living room watching tv with Gabriel and a few of the other bodyguards and housekeepers.

"I hope you enjoy your food tonight, I think its your favorite" Looking over to the table there was a plate of steak with mashed potatoes and roasted asparagus. I loved steak but I didn't want him to know.

"I actually don't eat steak.." I fumbled with the fabric of the shirt. "Really? What do you want then? I'll make you anything."

"Maybe just some soup, my stomach hurts" I looked up at him with pleading eyes and he smiled down at me, ruffling my hair.

"Ian you can have this" Ian glanced over his shoulder and stood up, walking over to us to grab the plate.

"Thanks" He grumbled, Andrew went into the kitchen while I sat at the table with Ian. He wasn't near me but it didn't bother me.

I jumped as the front door swung open. "Mr. Kealin!" A man in a  gray suit rushed into the house, there was blood covering his shirt. Andrew turned around with wide eyes. "What happened-"

"Raven Ivory and others of the Oden household are here! They've killed the guards!" The man seemed to be in a panic, but I was thrilled. Cursing underneath his breath he pointed a finger at Ian. "Take Reagan and get out of here! Right now. I'll handle these brats once and for all"

"I'm not going" I stood up, glaring at Ian and Andrew, anger flushed his face. "Take him by force, if he resists more then beat him" Andrew growled while I cried out as Ian grabbed my wrist tightly and dragged me through the house. "Let go!"

I moved my mouth towards his arm and bit down harshly, he pulled away and I took that as my chance to run out the backdoor. My mind was wandering crazy with questions. What should I do? Where do I go? More importantly, where's Zack? My heart ached at being away from him for so long.

"Zack-" I fell down to the ground, getting the air knocked out of me when Ian shoved me. "Stop making this harder" He wrapped his hand around my neck before pulling out a syringe. Tears welled in my eyes. "P-please don't! I'll be good I promise" I sobbed, thrashing around in his grip before crying when he pushed the needle roughly into my neck. The substance burned when it was injected. "Good boy" Ian murmured, picking me up and over his shoulder.

My vision was blurring when he tossed me into the front seat. "W-where are we going?" I attempted to sit up, but fell back at the tingling sensation throughout my body.

"Just shut up and pass out already" Ian backed out of the yard and I soon heard gunshots, they seemed close. Raven and the others were probably working so hard to come get me. Tears pooled in my eyes, clouding my vision. I missed them all even though I hated to say that. I felt weak, especially while being kept captive.

"Fuck" Ian cursed underneath his breath, looking in the rearview mirror. I glanced on the side mirror to see a black dodge charger following us, it was pretty far back but it was quickly gaining speed. My eyes widened as I saw that familiar blond haired boy in the drivers seat.

"Z-Zack!" I pushed myself up, ignoring the numbing feelings. "Sit down" Ian pulled me back by my hair, earning a yelp from me. West told him? Zack chose to stay even though he probably knew.

"F-fuck you, you stupid fuck, I'll kill you" I cried, grabbing his hand. He let go of me before pulling out another syringe. "Fuck you!" I leaned against the car door, wincing as he pushed the needle into my arm. "Two doses should put you to sleep, so just sit back and pass out"

My vision was blurring quicker than before, I jumped slightly at the sound of gunshots behind us. The car swerved slightly and that's when I heard Zack's voice.

"Reagan! Brace yourself alright? I'm not letting you get taken this time!" His voice boomed, I grabbed onto the seatbelt, pushing it into the lock before closing my eyes tightly as the charger crashed into our car, we swerved around in the street before everything disappeared and I blacked out.

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