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Zack's PoV

"How're you feeling?" Alexandria sat in the passenger seat while I drove, I decided to take her with me for groceries, but tonight we were going to find Ian.

"My body is sore, I really don't like Raven" She pouted as I pulled into the drive-thru of a fast-food restaurant. Alexandria had opened up to me quite a bit, she would always stay near me and away from everyone in the house.

That included Raven. But she had a good reason to, Raven took it way too far with how she handled things.

"What do you want to eat?" Her eyes grew wide as she scanned the menu. "Can I get chicken nuggets and a milkshake?"

"Of course"

After ordering our food I pulled out back onto the street and drove to the grocery store. Alex happily ate her chicken nuggets and ocationally pointed out different things on our way. She suddenly got quiet. It was awkard and I wanted to know why.

"What's wrong?" She let out a shaky breath, placing the milkshake down. "My brother is probably looking for me" Tears pooled in her eyes, and I looked back at the road. "Well are you happier than you were before?"

"Definitely! My brother never let me do anything except hang out with Ella and work."

Smiling I pulled into the parking lot. "That's good, I'll let you pick out some snacks" We both got out of the car, locking the doors I grabbed a shopping cart while she ran ahead of me.

I grabbed two boxes of cereal while Alex threw in a package of blueberry muffins and gold fish crackers. She seemed like a child with how happy she was getting things.

She was around my age but it showed how differently we grew up. Her brother kept her hidden away most of her life, but then let her work once she was older and that was it.

"Zack can we get these?" I looked up to see her holding two containers of icecream. "Go ahead" I knew my wallet was going to pay, the cart was basically filled all the way. With the essentials, but with her huge amount of junk food.

"What stuff does Reagan like?" I jumped up as she tapped my shoulder. What did he even like? I wasn't sure. I thought for a moment before snapping my fingers. Steak. He really enjoys steak. I laughed to myself. "Steak and wine"

We continued to walk down to the meat section. I grabbed a family pack of steak, if I didn't I knew West and the rest of them would chew my head off. "There goes my money"

"I can help pay" Alex walked over to me with two bottles of wine, they weren't the most expensive but it would make him happy.

Once we were done with our shopping we cashed out and head back to the car, I was surprised that the cashier didn't ask for my I.D when I bought the wine. Did I really look that old?


"Shouldn't we check the area before we go straight to the warehouse?" I ran a hand through my hair while West groaned in annoyance. He hated it when I gave him different ideas.

Alexandria stayed at the house while Raven, West, Xavier and I went out to go look. Raven sat up quickly, placing her hands on the top of the driver's seat. "What if we check where she works? They're bound to go there."

"Can you guys shut up for one moment?" Leaning his head against the wheel he let out a huff then sat up quickly. "Are you guys ready? Shit might get rough, but we are getting him back." His attitude changed completely. My blood ran cold. "What if this is a trap?"

Raven only laughed at me. "How could she get into contact with her brother? We took all of her belongings"

We drove past the cafe, I glanced up to see a man with jet black hair that was pulled into a bun. Quickly looking down at the photo in my hands I tapped West's shoulder. "Stop! That's him!"

Everyone quickly looked over at the shop before West parked the car across the street from the cafe near a house. "Are we doing this tonight?" I glanced in the back seat to see Raven and Xavier basically fuming as their nodded their head, they wanted Reagan back. I did too.

"He's leaving" Everyone watched Ian walk out of the cafe, he looked frustrated as he pulled out his phone. He's the one who's been beating Reagan. Once he got in his car and started to drive off, that's when we left, making sure there was at leat one car ahead of us.

"Don't lose eyes on him, watch him like a hawk" Raven grumbled, Xavier fumbled with his gun, it sent a shiver down my spine. We ended up following him to some house. "Is this where Ella stays? Alexandria said she lived with her brother"

We came to a stop and watched him get out once again and go up to the door. Tha same blonde haired girl came outside in her pajamas. They talked for a while before panic washed over her face. "She's not here either"

I heard Ella say, Ian groaned in annoyance and left the porch, leaving Ella standing there nervous. "Come on this is getting no where!" West sighed, leaning back. "West, don't lose him" West started driving again, making sure we didn't lose him even when we got onto the highway.

It seemed as if we were driving for hours on the highway until he pulled off, I didn't know where we were, but God this was tiring. I felt like I was going to pass out. Everyone else had a ton of energy. "Remember, we get him and then we leave, got it?" West said, everyone nodded their head in agreement. "Got it"

West had parked further down the street, but Ian had stopped at a large mansion, it had a huge gate along with two large trees at them, there were lights on in the house but damn, it was beautiful. "Reagan might be here" Ian got out of his car and locked it before taking off his jacket.

The two gates opened and Andrew emerged from them in a black suit. "You didn't find her?" He yelled, grabbing onto Ian's collar. Ian only looked away in shame.

I knew that this is where Reagan was.

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