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Zack's PoV

I sat in the passenger seat of the car while Reagan drove back to his house. "Want to just stay the night?" My mother knew I was with Reagan. Even though she didn't know him that much she trusted me. Hell, I didn't know him that well.
"I'll ask my mother." Grabbing my phone out of my pocket I sent her a text while Reagan pulled into his driveway.

"I'm going to assume her answer is yes." Reagan turned the car off then got out.

"Just assume it's alright? You are something else." Laughing I opened the passenger door to see Reagan holding his arm out for me.

"Thank you" Linking my arm with his I cautiously got out of the car. "I feel like a butler." Reagan sighed while we walked into the house. Raven, Xavier and West were still at the baby shower, I'm assuming they were just about to leave though.

"I can walk with the crutches" I mumbled, Reagan only shook his head. "Let me help, it's my fault this happened anyways..." He whispered, looking at the ground while we walked up the steps.

"Stop saying that already, unless you're going to tell me what you mean." He kept saying that, but wouldn't tell me.

But I couldn't bring myself to focus on it, I could only focus on his body heat. It was coming off in waves, which revealed how close he was to me.

"M-maybe today" Reagan looked up at me with a frown. "I can wait forever.." Smiling I listened to him murmur underneath his breath at how cheesy I am.


"Here" Reagan placed the bowl of popcorn in my lap while he climbed into the bed with me. I wasn't sure why, but he decided to keep me in his room.

There were definitely guest rooms in this house. The thought of us sleeping in the same bed didn't get me too nervous anymore, it lit a fire in the pit of my stomach.
Would I wake up to him wrapped around my body?
"What're you thinking about, Zack?"

"Nothing" I leaned back against the pillow, Reagan shrugged his shoulders before pulling the covers over his body. "You're already going to sleep?"
He peered up at me through his thick black lashes, with those beautiful eyes of his.

"I'm just really tired" Rubbing his eyes he leaned against my shoulder, sending sparks throughout my entire body. I wasn't sure what I should do. Move my arm around him, or would that ruin this?

The thought of holding him against me was becoming irritating.
I watched the tv screen while the movie played, occasionally looking at Reagan.

Looking down at him his eyes were closed while he held the blanket in his hands. Reagan was already asleep. Was he exhausted from stress? Probably.

His hair was ruffled, making it look extra soft.
Should I touch it?

Hesitantly moving my hand I jumped when the door opened. "West?" He strolled in with his jacket in hand.

"Oh shit" West looked like he had seen a ghost. "I didn't know you were in here" He ran a hang through his hair, letting out a shaky breath. He got scared that easily?

"Sorry" I leaned over Reagan to place the bowl of popcorn on the nightstand. He moaned quietly, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Reagan.."

The blood rushed to my face as he pushed himself closer to me. "I'll leave you two be. Just know he gets clingy in his sleep"

West waved his hand, then walked out of the bedroom with his jacket. They slept together? Just that made me jealous.

I looked back down at Reagan before laying back to wrap my arms around him. He whimpered in my arms, grabbing my shirt tightly.

"You're so adorable" Whispering I closed my eyes, I didn't want to ever let go of him. Why was he suddenly becoming a top priority to me?

Was I falling for Reagan? Too fast? Or is it perfect timing?

***Authors Note***

I'm so sorry for being inactive and for the short chapter, I've been trying to get chapters out but have been feeling uninspired. I'm hoping to get back into getting chapters out soon, again I'm sorry for it being short.

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