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Zack's PoV

I pushed the gas pedal, slamming the car into the rear end of theirs. Forcing my foot down onto the break I watched the black Jeep swerve, leaving tire marks on the pavement. My body was rushing with anticipation. Reagan was in there. He had to be.

Opening the car door I grabbed the pistol off the passenger seat then climbed out. This was the moment where I could possibly end up killing someone. Anything for Reagan if it meant he would be safe.

Shutting the door I walked over to the jeep, the windows were tinted so I couldn't see anything. "Don't even try it" My eyes widened as I saw Ian holding a gun to Reagan's head. There was blood dripping down his forehead and the airbags had gone off already. Ian had a fire burning in his eyes.

"Drop the gun" I glared at him, pointing mine towards his face. I couldn't shoot, he would fire his and Reagan would be dead.

"Why don't you listen? Let us go and Reagan will live" He smiled up at me, pushing the gun against Reagan's head. My blood was boiling. "I'm not leaving without him" Ian only seemed to get angrier at what I said.

"Listen here, you fucking brat, I don't plan on-"

A gunshot rang out, and then everything went silent. I glanced down at Ian to see a gunshot through his head. It was a disgusting sight. His body went limp and the gun fell from his hands next to Reagan.

"R-Reagan!" I opened the car door and quickly grabbed him. His entire body was smaller and there were bruises and cuts all over his body. He had lost some weight, which made me wonder how often they fed him. Andrew would definelty pay for this.

Tears pooled in my eyes. He looked so broken and fragile. I felt as if he would shatter just by me holding him. My heart clenched at the sight of the necklace I gave him. The chain was covered in blood and crusted.

"What would you do without me, Peterson?" I carried Reagan in my arms and walked around the car to see Raven. She no longer had the jacket to her suit on and her white buttonup shirt was drenched in blood. I had to fight back the urge to throw up. It was disgusting but there was a reason. Reagan.

There were two guns in her hands and she swung them around blindly. Her eyes wandered Reagan's body, and she tensed up. "I'll kill them all, I swear" She cupped his face, I could only stand still and watch her movements. Raven was so gentle while she examined his face and his arms.

"I fucking hate this" She whispered harshly, Raven looked up at me with tears in her eyes. Raven was crying? She was vulnerable right at this very moment, and I didn't know if she was like this with anyone else.

"I hate that he has to live like this" I let out a shaky breath when she said that, he shouldn't have to live like this.

"He won't have to live like this for long" I glanced down at his face, the area around his eyes were red and his face was pale.

"They drugged him" Walking over to the side of the road I was confused as to where we were going.

"I know" There were needle marks on his body along with two open wounds on his wrists. "Where are we going?"

"I mean, this baby took me" She cooed, I followed her through a few trees and we were stopped at an opening where her car was parked.

"I had the backup bring it, they'll take care of the Charger" Nodding my head I climbed into the backseat and gently placed Reagan down, I laid his head down into my lap and draped the blanket in the car over his body.

I wouldn't give him my jacket since it was covered in blood. It felt gross.

"We finally got him back" Whispering I ran my hand through his hair. Fucking finally.


"You can put him in his bed, and get him changed. I'll have Andrea come up to check on him." Raven kicked off her shoes and took off her jacket.

"What're you doing out of the room?" She growled, I glanced back to see Raven rush into the kitchen. "I was just getting a snack!" Alexandria whined, then yelped. "Go back"

"Raven leave her be, she's fine" I walked into the kitchen with Reagan in my arms. Alexandria's eyes lit up. "Y-you found him!" She ran up to me but stopped when Raven held her arm out. "Let Reagan rest, he still has that damn drug in his system" Raven whispered, Alex nodded her head, stepping back with her pack of oreos. You call that a snack?

"Please tell me you aren't taking that entire package" Raven pointed down at the oreos, a blush tinted Alex's face. "Yes, I can and I will" She huffed, grabbing her glass of milk. Alexandria smiled at me then went up stairs.

"You better share then!" Raven ran past me, following her up the stairs.

"Go change! That's disgusting!" I heard Alex yell, I only laughed.

I walked over to the staircase but stopped when the front door opened. Looking back I saw West and Xavier along with a few other workers walk in, they were all covered in blood. "Go change before you guys track blood all over" West looked up at me with a frown before his eyes landed on Reagan.

"R-Reagan!" He ran up to me with tears in his eyes, there was blood splattered on his face and his green eyes seemed so fragile. "W-we got him" West covered his face with his hands, everyone else with him colapsed onto the floor. They all seemed exhausted.

"What did I tell you guys! Go change" I turned around with Reagan in my arms and walked up the stairs. Once they got cleaned up they can come up and see him. I knew Reagan didn't like his house dirty.

Pushing open the bedroom door I kicked off my shoes and placed him down into the bed. "You lay here" I said softly, turning away from him I shut the door and go over to the dresser. I kept some clothes here since I was staying here more often. I pulled my shirt over my head and slowly pulled off the dress pants until I was in my underwear.

I felt a breeze brush over my body causing me to shiver.

"Nice ass" I jumped, tears pooling in my eyes at his voice. It was quiet and shaky but still abnoxious. Fucking Reagan.

"Reagan" I turned around to see him leaning against the headboard with a pillow on his lap. Walking over to him I climbed onto the bed, cupping his face in my hands. He only closed my eyes as I pressed my forehead against his.

"God, I missed you" He mumbled and I felt my heart skip a beat. I felt his arms reach around my body and hold my back tightly. "I missed you more" Leaning back slightly I watched him wince. He removed his arms from my hack and held them close to him.

"Want cream for it?" Reagan shook his head slowly. "I'm fine" I laid back on the bed while I sat back on my legs.

"You should get dressed" His voice seemed less scratchy, but I couldn't stop the blush that creeped onto my face.

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