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Reagan's PoV

I sat in the chair next to Zack's bed, we're still in the hospital but he's being discharged tonight. It seemed like he didn't want to leave. Zack was spooning the vegetable soup into his mouth. Occasionally blowing on the spoon.

He wouldn't be safe at his house, neither would his family.

But fuck, I didn't even know where he lived. "Reagan" Looking over towards Zack there was a frown on his face.  He carefully placed the bowl on the table next to him on the left.

"What?" I glanced up at the television, some random cooking show was on. "What're you thinking about?" Nosey.

"Nothing" A quiet sigh slipping past my lips I stood up, pushing my hands into my pockets. I couldn't stay here, not when I had work. "I'll be here to pick you up later with West."

"My mom can pick—" Zacks eyes widened as the door flew open, I turned quickly to see a woman with blond hair rushing past me over to the bed.

She wrapped her hands around him. "Teddy my poor baby" I smiled at how concerned she was, she was probably his mother. What was with that nickname though?

"Stop mom, you just saw me last night" Zack laughed patting her back. He looked up at me while I waved a hand, notifying him I was taking my leave.

I slowly turned around, heading out the door. It was too early for anything. Yes, I would be picking Zack up later but I had another event to be at around the same time.

Yawning I peeked around the corner into the lobby to see West sitting on the chair, head in his had while he snored.
"West.." He slowly opened his eyes, scanning the room before looking at me.

"Why're you over there? Let's go come on" West murmured, standing up to rub his eyes. "Don't tell me what to do"
I ran past him through the two glass doors to be met with the sun glaring down in my eyes.

It was only ten a.m. A Monday so I do have school. "I'm dropping you off and then going home" I glanced over at West to see him yawning.



I sat in History, the giant book opened in front of me while the teacher wrote down notes for the assignment.

My desk was cluttered with my few notebooks along with Zacks. Sighing I looked back and forth between the white board and his notebook.

If my notes we're sloppy, I wouldn't hear the end of it from him. "You have a week to work on the essay, don't slack off" She turned around with a sway of her hips.

Mrs. Charles was a beautiful woman with two kids and a loving husband.

Tight curly hair out that came down to her shoulders along with her darker completion. She was a sight to see.
I knew better than to try with a teacher. I closed the notebooks just as the bell rang. "Class dismissed, have a good day everyone!" She smiled before going over to her desk.

Grabbing the notebooks I went out into the hallway, being flooded with students. At the moment I had lunch, but who would eat that disgusting mess?

Stopping at my locker I opened it, throwing my stuff in then gently placing his notebooks on the top shelf, even though I would have trouble getting his out.

"Reagan Oden?" A deep voice questioned behind me, humming I grabbed the black hoodie from my locker.

"Who wants to know?" I glanced over my shoulder to see a boy with brown hair and green eyes looking down at me. Who did he look like? Andrew. That had my blood boiling.

"I'm Brian Kealin, nice to meet you" He held out his hand, while turned around, pulling the hoodie onto my body. "Cut the act or I'll kill you" I glared at him while he put his hand into his pocket.

"I was just introducing myself, where's that boy? Was his name Zackery?" I sucked my teeth.

"Get out of my way, do you know who you're dealing with?" He was pretty bold coming to me like this. Brian only hummed before leaving.

He ruined my entire mood. I don't think I even felt like smoking. My only goal was to kill the Kealin family. No matter how long it took.

Wandering around the hallways I pushed through the back doors to be met with a cold breeze. Finally I could have time to myself.

I went down the steps carefully, so I didn't slip on ice. Some steak sounded great right about now. Sighing I shoved my hands into my pockets, remembering how great that hotel was.

Did I really feel like calling? Even thought he would be pissed? I pulled my phone out before pulling up his contact. He didn't know that I put his number in my phone.

It rang for a few seconds before he picked up. "Hello?" I smiled, immediately calming down at his voice. He made me forget everything for a moment.
But that was Zack Peterson's specialty.

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