Chapter Three

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Callon strode into the throne room, noticing how servants were still rushing around trying to prepare the room for the evening's Greetings.

Flower bouquets were being trailed up composite columns that led to the high cathedral ceilings. Elven lights made of delicate silver lined the vaulted ceilings that towered above them.

Tables decorated with similar flowers as the bouquets were being placed to give room for people to enter while still ensuring every guest would be able to see the entire procedure.

Calon walked over to his throne that sat atop of dais. A beautiful chair carved out of wrapped silver that spread out around the head. He noticed that the flowers had been thrown over the back of it, he winced smelling the lavender and rose that over powered his senses

"Who put flowers here?" He snarled as he ripped off them from the chair. It wasn't that he was picky, but the smell was overwhelming and gave him migraines on a good day, let alone a day when he was completely hung over.

He sat down on the pillows thrones as he began tracing his light-gold eyes over the busyness as preparation continued.

"Here comes the bride." A tall slender Elf began singing as he pretended to walk down the aisle towards Callon.

He narrowed his eyes, Iston, his friend he still needed to thank for last night.

Iston was a fair Elf with a muscular build and light blonde hair that fell to his ears. His pale-beige eyes seemed to blend into his face. He had the type of pretty face all Fae woman and men fell for.

"I must say my friend." Iston said as he continued to walk towards Callon with less of a mockery. "I am jealous."

He reached the chair and Callon looked up at Iston, contemplating if he should punch the pretty Elf's face.

Iston leaned his elbow on the King's throne as turned his attention to the room.

"Every powerful and beautiful Maiden is lining up to meet you, and you get your pick." Iston said gesturing to the door.

Callon smiled slightly as he thought about the legendary Nessa. He was fairly certain he already knew who he was picking, it all just depends on if she actually showed up.

"Promise me you will taste a few cakes before settling on one." Iston said with a cheeky smile as he looked down at Callon.

Callon just shook his head and smirked, if Nessa didn't mind, he would certainly try a few flavors, but Nessa was the prize to be won.


Iston looked over the halls decorated in ribbons and the King's Banner and smiled.

His blonde hair fell over his pale-yellow eyes that scanned the entry ensuring all minor details were up to par.

"Chamberlain?" Iston turned to see one of the maids rushing over wearing a worried expression.

He stood with a stern face as he waited for her to voice her concern.

Iston was the King's Chamberlain. He had been trained since his pubescent years to not only run the King's Castle, but stand by his King through all the dark times and bright times.

Part of his duties was to organize this entire event while ensuring the King stuck to the protocols.

"What is it?" He asked as the Elven maid approached.

She let out a breath of exhaustion from running, "The King wants to know which crown he is supposed to wear for this evening?"

Iston looked the maid up and down, "He wants fashion advice?" He asked with a snort.

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