Chapter Fourteen

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Callon stayed seated on his Griffin and starred at Zarina, while she sat, trying to calm her horse down while the horse shifted between positions, looking very irritated by the sudden interruption in its gallop.

"What are you doing?" Callon snapped looking at Zarina strapped in leathers, with her hair tied up. Her features were so visible when it was tied out of her face. Her green eyes beaming up at him.

"Distracting myself from my failure, Your Majesty." She said with a snarky tone.

He shook his head and let out a sigh of frustration. "So, you did lose of purpose." He breathed out.

She didn't answer and just stared at him, her emerald eyes tracing over his beast.

He began climbing of Diego and placed his hands between the griffin's feathers, calming down the beast. He seemed more fidgety than normal, and his eyes kept looking up at the mountain.

"What are you doing here Zarina?" He asked again, looking up at her, she stayed on her horse.

The horse too seemed nervous, its whinnies growing more and more frequent.

She jumped off the horse and she began rubbing the horse's neck. "Easy girl." She said with a calming tone.

"Zarina." Callon snapped as Zarina had not yet answered his question.

Her eyes darted up to the mountain then met his briefly.

"Damn it Zarina." Callon huffed out, he shook his head. "Do you have a death wish?"

Her horse was slowly calming down and so was Diego. "You sound like my brother." She said looking up at Callon.

Callon released Diego once he felt his creature was still. He shook his head with frustration, wondering how someone could be so stupid to come here alone.

He was alone. He must be stupid too.

She strode forward leaving her horse and walking past the King. She strode through the snow, sinking into the snow with each step.

She was heading up the mountain. "Zarina," Callon growled out now as he walked after her.

She just ignored him. She can't just ignore a king. What on earth was wrong with this girl?

Callon jogged forward and grabbed onto her wrist, forcing her to face him.

She spun around with anger raging over her facial features. Her eyes seemed to glow a brilliant green.

Callon couldn't look away from them, they were beautiful.

"let go of my hand now." She ordered.

Callon immediately released her, and she turned away from him before she continued to make her way towards the mountain.

Callon stood for several seconds shaking his head, trying to figure out what had just happened. Why did he let go? He looked at his hand, fairly certain he didn't want to let her go. He made orders not the other way around.

She was gaining space between them, and he realized he was not going to be able to stop her.

Callon let out a frustrated sigh and hurried after her. If she died, then at least he wouldn't have to put up with her disrespect for the rest of the Royal Bonding Ceremony.

The more time he spent following after her the more the idea of just pushing her off one of the cliffs sounded appealing.

She was swiftly pulling herself up the cliff, never missing a step and he began to understand how getting up to the roof was such an easy triumph to her.

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