Chapter Two

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Callon's head was pounding and the amount of excitement coming from outside his chambers, was not helping.

He threw a vase that had been lying next to his bed at the door, the noise instantly coming to a halt as the glass shattered against the wood.

He threw a pillow over his head, wishing he could take back the last few shots of ambrosia from the evening before. But no Iston had wanted to celebrate the bachelor party early.

"My King." A squeamish voice began from behind the door. "We need to begin preparing you."

Callon let out a sigh of frustration, slowing pulling the pillow off his face and bringing it to the floor next to him. His pale-yellow eyes stared at the ceiling. A golden ring glistened around the edge of his iris as his pupils contracted to the light.

Preparing him sounded as fun as being waxed. His teeth felt like they had grown fur, and he could smell mixture of sweat and ale stick to his skin.

He was going to punch Iston.

He managed to pull himself out of the bed and made his way to the bath chamber which was coloured in white and pastel golden hues. He washed his face but no amount of cold water seemed to cure his churning stomach.

"Enter." He ordered out, hiding the groan under his voice. He pulled a cloth to his face.

The doors swung open and a trail of servants came rushing through the room, all of which each had a purpose.

Some had tools ready to cut and style his hair, others fabrics in order to dress him, and others seemed to be literally there to wax him.

They didn't dare meet his eye as they continued to set up the room.

This was going to be a tiring day that he just wanted over with.

The only hint of enjoyment was the idea of finally seeing the beautiful Nessa.

His lips curved up at the idea of her. The stories that had spread across Dalustra about her, were legendary.

And she may end up becoming his.


Zarina had been poked, pricked, squeezed, and powered to the point of almost looking unrecognizable.

Her black hair pinned back into a tight ponytail that trailed down her back in a straight line, with a dress that was tightened by a corset. The dress was heavy and conservative as it wrapped around her figure with Blacks and greys. Her lips were painted black and her eyes smoked to match.

Thaddeus walked around her, examining every detail of her appearance his hand rubbing his chin.

She was sure her brother loved torturing her like this. While his remained calm she could sometimes see the hint of his devilish smirk.

"If the King speaks to you, what do you do?" Thaddeus asked referring to the lessons he had stuffed into her mind.

She had done this before, gone to Royal Bonding Ceremonies, many in fact, but the ties between Dalustra and The Underground were shifting apart, so she would need to behave.

Behaving meant complying to Dalustra's ridiculous rules and charades.

"Smile and compliment." She said with a cheeky tone, causing Thaddeus to shake his head in annoyance.

She had been correct in her answer, but she guessed her attitude was far than up to par.

"If his future Queen speaks to you?" Thaddeus continued giving her a stern look.

She rolled her eyes. "Smile and compliment." She said in a softer voice.

He walked towards her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Don't miss this up Zarina." She could see the worry in his blood red eyes.

She still felt exhausted from the Ice, and honestly, she wasn't sure how she was standing, she needed to nap for a good ten or forty hours.

"I'm still tired Thaddeus." She said with weary eyes.

He traced over her face with his red eyes. "Just stay awake till the Greetings finish." He ordered with a more understanding tone.

She nodded slowly, feeling slightly dazed, but she would stand until she was allowed rest.


Thaddeus watched Zarina climb into he glistening black orb that was swiftly engulfed in smoke as it transported her away. Dread filled his veins; it was probably nothing more than him being anxious.

He needed her to succeed in this, he was beginning to worry his farther would cast her off, leave her down in the Realm of the Souls to be torn limb by limb by Lenials.

He wished he could protect her but she had been so stubborn in getting help, especially from him.

"If it isn't the daddy's favorite." Miguel hissed as he walked past Thaddeus.

Miguel had the vicious red eyes of their father, he was muscular built to kill like him too, but his hair was a fair white colour due to an accident with a corrupted soul. A scar spread across his face, a reminder of the very same creature.

"Morning Miguel. How goes training the hounds?" Thaddeus said with a mocking tone.

Miguel had been given the task of training the hounds that guarded the Underground. A job he would much rather have Zarina do, but Zarina enjoyed the hounds too much, which made the Emperor decide to give the task to Miguel.

"I've been giving them your shirts, training them to kill you." Miguel said with a deep, sinister laugh.

Thaddeus just smiled; he knew Miguel's dark rumor better than most.

"Did I just see Zarina, all dressed up and heading to Dalustra?" Miguel asked as he stood next to Thaddeus, folding his arms over his chest.

"Yes, you did." Thaddeus said with a grim tone. She hadn't been allowed to leave the Underground since she came down with two Fae chained around the necks, ready to serve her every need.

"Fates, have mercy on whoever meets her." Miguel breathed out with amusement.

Thaddeus just nodded along. He prayed she would just keep her mouth shut to keep her head on. 

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