Chapter Twenty-Four

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Callon sat on his throne feeling very uncomfortable. He didn't like this event. It didn't make sense, but so many of the Maidens seemed to be so excited to show the king their skills or powers.

He looked around as tables began to full. A circular stage had been set up where each of the Maidens would get a turn to present themselves.

Nessa was sitting at her usual table, her hair done up for a change, and she wore a golden gown that fell down her arms.

Beautiful as always.

It was getting closer and closer to the Bonding; it was also getting close to the Three Nights in Heaven. The last events before he made his decision.

He'd have to pick three to spend a night with. They didn't have to do anything, but with Nessa, he would like to.

She met his eyes and gave him a gentle smile. But after sex, they would probably just lie there awkwardly. Sounds about right for the King and Queen.

He traced over the other tables trying to see who else he might pick.

Uinen might be a good option. She was a beautiful Mermaid, and while not very bright, would make a pleasurable evening.

He continued through the crowds till his eyes fell on Zarina. She had come. He thought she wouldn't.

She was listening to her brothers who all seemed to be speaking to her in different tones and body languages. She felt overwhelmed. Fates how he could always sense her. Her aura was so powerful, it swept the room most days.

She turned her head and met his eyes briefly before turning back to Thaddeus who seemed to be giving her strict warnings. She was upset with him, he couldn't blame her, she didn't want to part of this, and now he had made her a favorite.

She had enchanted him not to pick her again, he shouldn't. It would be cruel to put her through more ridiculous traditions. Especially a night with him.

But his mind began picturing it, being with her. He felt his breath shallow at the image of her beneath him. Moaning.

Music interrupted his thought luckily as he turned to see Iston standing on the stage.

"Tonight, we gather for my favorite event," Iston said with an arrogant smirk as he winked at some Maidens. "The Show."

"Each beautiful Maiden will get a turn to come up here." He said pointing at the stage, "And impress the King with your strongest skill, or power."

Callon's eyes wandered over the crowds as some of the girls began to look nervous.

"Just don't hurt anyone," Iston said with a wicked smile as he looked over at Nessa.

The girls laughed as he slowly got off the stage.

Uinen was up first, she was dressed in a beautiful shimmering blue dress with her blonde hair falling to her waist.

Callon was fairly sure her talent would involve water. And sure, a day, a bucket of water was brought out onto the stage.

She smiled down at the king before she began twirling her fingers. Drop by drop the water began to float up joining together to form a swam of fish.

She twirled her hand causing the fish to swim towards the king. They circled him lightly brushing his face as they did.

Uinen's eyes were filled with desire and the act of them brushing his skin was meant as sensual.

The fish stopped in front of him and soon more water joined them, they began taking a new shape.

The water transformed into a water figure that looked similar to Uinen. He let out a slight smile as he looked up at the water form.

That could be fun.

The water transformed into a ball of water and flew back into the bucket with force.

Uinen gave a perfect curtsey as the crowd began cheering and clapping.

The King was impressed, definitely a great skill to have, if you lived by water.

She walked off the stage, and the bucket was removed. Allowing the next Maiden to step up.

Callon watched on as the next girl did her tricks. Nothing compared to the water, but still, he smiled the same way he had with Uinen. It was polite.

Girl after girl popped up onto the stage impressing their King. Callon could sense Zarina's aura shifting from overwhelmed to annoyed and impatient.

But he didn't look at her. Wouldn't allow himself to meet her eyes.

Eventually, it was Nessa's turn and he felt very eager to see what she had to show him.

She strode onto the stage with confidence as pots filled with plants were set up around the king's throne.

He looked around him feeling slightly confused as to what she was doing. He expected something to do with combat or strength.

A large pot plant was brought to her and she smiled at the King.

She leaned down and lovingly caressed the plant, causing the King's brow to arch. He had remembered how in battle she had bent down and touched the grass.

She closed her eyes and leaned towards a leaf.

"The plants carry my words, my lord." Callon's eyes widened as he looked towards the plant the voice had just come from. It wasn't Nessa's voice, it was childish and sweet, but it was Nessa's words.

"The plants whisper to me too, my Lord." Callon looked back at Nessa, seeing her soft lips smile as she continued to whisper into the plant.

"Do you like it?" She asked sweetly.

He smiled and nodded slowly.

"Do you want to know what the plants say about you?" She whispered through the leaves around him.

His smile widened as he looked around at the lush plants that all seem to hum her words. He nodded slowly. Nessa's eyes were closed but somehow, she was getting his answers.

"They say you are a strong and fair king." She whispered seductively.

Something changed in her stance, along with her aura.

Callon looked over at Nessa to see her body stiffen as she stood up with a concerned face.

Something wasn't right, had the plants said something?

She shook her head and recomposed her smile. Her aura changing from anxiousness to something lighter.

She gave a low curtsey and the crowd clapped, in slight confusion. They hadn't heard what she had done, only he. And he wanted to keep it that way, her power was something very terrifying, she could find out everyone's secrets just by whispering to a plant. If others found out, they may think she was too powerful.

Once all the plants had been removed Callon's body shifted as Zarina walked up to the stage, her black hair falling past her shoulders and covering most of her face. He wanted to brush the hair away so he could see both of her eyes. She wore a shimmering black gown that trailed down the steps behind her.

She seemed anxious and Callon wanted to tell her she didn't have to do this. Maybe he should, and just declare that she is no longer considered a Maiden.

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