Chapter Sixteen

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Callon walked through the pitch-dark palace, making his way to the kitchen as he did almost every night.

His insomnia always led to him getting peckish at midnight. He walked down the passageways while he considered the events of the day.

He starting to realize how powerful Zarina was. She was also a strong fighter. She was also vulgar and stubborn. And would have been killed if he wasn't there to get her the hell out of there.

But when he danced with her, it had felt amazing. And when her eyes began to glow, he had been able to get a better look at them. She had looked beautiful as they danced across that floor.

The light was on in the kitchen. He let out a breath of frustration. Her aura was extremely overwhelming, but he was hungry.

He walked into the kitchen to see Zarina sitting at the window sill drinking a glass of wine.

She was wearing a black lace robe, that made her look far gentler than he knew she was.

She turned her head to him, and he waited. Waited to see if her eyes would glow again.

But she lazily looked away and leaned her head against the wall, dragging her attention back to the star-lit skies.

He felt relieved as he hadn't figured out what she was yet, or how she was controlling him, but it had to do with the glowing eyes and glowing skin.

He walked over to the cold cupboard and pulled out some potatoes. He sat by the counter and began digging into his late-night meal.

She did not attempt to talk to him, nor fill in the silence that lingered between them.

He didn't know what to say to her. He should probably have her locked up and tortured until she admitted to controlling the King, but instead, he asked, "Are you okay?"

She snapped her head at him, looking confused that he would ask her that. Contemplating something through her mind. In truth, he was also confused, but he did not want to kill her. "I'm fine your majesty."

He let out a huff. Now he was her majesty again. He didn't like it. "I prefer it when you call my Callon." He said sternly as he bit into the potato.

She got up from the window sill and leaned over the counter towards him. "So, you do remember?" She asked with fear in her voice.

"Your glowing skin? You ordering me around? Unable to look at you." He looked up at her green eyes. "Yes, I remember."

She looked defeated like she was about to collapse to the ground. She dropped her head into her palms and began shaking her head.

"I have questions." He said sternly as he took another bite of the potatoes.

Her body went still and she looked up at him through her fingers.

She looked scared of him, for the first time since he saw her, she looked scared. Which he found ironic because he now feared her more than those undead creatures.

"How did you do that?" he asked tilting his head at her.

"You said it yourself." She said sounding ashamed. "I'm a half-breed." She leaned over the counter and crossed her arms looking away, ashamed.

Is this all it took to break the stubborn woman? Had she never used this power before? Did she not understand how she was basically untouchable?

Then a hint of guilt hit him, he had called her a half-breed the last time they were in this kitchen.

"I was out of line," He said taking a bite of potato. "My apologies."

She arched her eyebrow at him, a mixture of confusion and astonishment washing her face.

"So, what is the other half?" He asked quickly moving on, he didn't like apologizing, and he hated if people thanked him for apologizing.

She sighed and pursed her lips, considering if she should answer the question. "Enchantress."

Callon leaned back at the word. Enchantress, an ancient civilization of mainly Women who lived in the woods thousands of years ago. They enticed men away from their homes, their families, and would seduce them before swiftly killing them. Men were just used for breeding and sport.

Her personality was making a lot more sense to him now.

"Are you trying to entice me?" The question came out before he could even consider his words.

She shook her head. "No." She said in an annoyed tone. "I'm not."

She had warned him not to look at her before the fight, she didn't want him to accidentally get enticed and distracted. If she hadn't ordered him to look away, he probably would have died admiring her.

"You seemed surprised that I can remember?" He stated it like a question as he arched his eyebrow up at her.

She stood leaning on the counter staring at him intensely. Her finger lightly tapping on the table as if contemplating something.

Her eyes began to glow and Callon's lip parted as he began to drown in her beautiful emerald glow. She was stunning, she always was stunning, but when she glowed it was like she was exposing her true self to him.

"You are going to forget you ever saw me glow." She whispered the words out like a sweet seductive promise.

She blinked her eyes and the glow vanished.

Callon shook his head at her trying to think if she had controlled his thoughts. She was staring up at him through hooded eyes, waiting patiently.

"What is wrong with you?" He barked at her.

"Still remember?" She winced as the guilt washed over her face.

"Yes." He snapped, he wanted to throttle her for trying to wipe his mind.

But she couldn't, she had failed, and she didn't seem like that was her plan.

"Everyone else forgets." She said with a concerned face. "You remember, and I can see you fight it."

He shook his head, "You still control my thoughts." He said rubbing his forehead now as the feeling to caress her lips were still running through his mind.

"I'm sorry, I can only promise to try and not do it again." She sounded genuine. Like she would try.

"Please don't." He said with a chuckle, catching Zarina off guard. "it's rather frustrating."

She stared at him shocked, her eyes unsure how to handle his response.

"You aren't going to kill me?" She asked slowly.

He looked over at her, he should. He should chop off her head, she was a threat. She could control the entire continent if she felt like it. But he didn't want to.

"No." He picked up the now empty dish and took it to the sink. "Just don't entice me again."

She went quiet for several seconds. "It happens by accident sometimes." She said slowly.

Callon looked over his shoulder at her, she was looking down at the ground, squeezing her hands together.

He thought about dancing with her, how she had begun enchanting him, and didn't seem to be aware that she was doing it, how she had closed her eyes and leaned her head into his chest.

He had traced her spine at instinct to how right it felt with her against his chest. But meantime she had been trying to hide her eyes.

She'd also had no control over it when she was fighting either.

What did they have in common?

"I'll try though my Lord." She said sternly, nodding slowly.

"Callon." He corrected her. "We fought together; you get to call me Callon."

He could see a faint smile spread across her face as she nodded slowly.

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