Chapter Twenty-Three

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Iston stormed through the palace trying to find Callon. The king had vanished after breakfast, and it wasn't like him to avoid the training yard.

Iston kept shaking his head back and forth, the king had an obsession, and Iston had a pretty good idea that the king had paid a visit to this obsession of his.

He wanted to tell himself that this was just because the King would be breaking protocol, but a part of him didn't like the idea of Zarina and the King together at all.

He was the King and she was an odd creature that seemed to never stop trying to defy rules.

He walked towards Zarina's room about to storm in there and pull the king away when he froze with his hand around the doorknob.

What if the King wasn't in there? What if Zarina was barely dressed and he was about to intrude on her. He didn't want to accidentally walk in on her.

He let out a sigh shaking his head at the inappropriate thoughts that rushed through his mind of the Lady Zarina.

"Can I help you?" Iston turned to see one of Zarina's brothers leaning against the wall with crossed arms. His eyes a deep red, but unlike his siblings his hair was white.

Iston tried to remember the name, "Prince Miguel" He said with a smile as the brother's name finally came to him.

Miguel had been called in to heal Zarina's wound. He was clearly very good because, from the amount of blood and insides that had been on that snow, Zarina should be dead.

"Should I ask why you are about to enter my sisters' room?" Miguel asked protectively as he pushed off the wall.

Iston looked at the door and realized it did look suspicious visiting her now that she was healed. He still wanted to go in there, but he wasn't sure he wanted to see what may lay behind it.

He let out a sigh and turned to Miguel. "I am looking for the king." He said honestly as he took a step away from the door.

Miguel's lips curved up slightly. "You think he is in my sisters' room?" He made it sound as if the idea was propitious.

"Yes." Iston said sternly, maybe her brothers didn't see what was happening between the King and Zarina' but Iston certainly did.

"Look," He continued, "Will you check for me?" He gestured to the door and Miguel followed his hand.

"I don't want to intrude on her." He added.

Miguel walked towards the door and starred at Iston in a way that made him uncomfortable. He looked deadly, and not like any healer he had ever seen before. His face wasn't soft it was harsh. A large scar slit down from his forehead to his chin, crossing over his eyebrow.

Miguel opened the door slightly and Iston watched from the side as he stared at the demon, waiting to see his face get shocked when he saw the King. Iston was sure Callon was in there.

Miguel smiled lightly. "Morning Sister."

He seemed calm, and not at all surprised. Iston shoulder's slowly relaxed.

Miguel turned to face him, "No, the King isn't here." Iston's eyes narrowed at Miguel's choice of words.

Iston walked forward and wanted to check for himself. Miguel could be covering for Zarina.

"No, you can't look, she's barely dressed, bloody animal," Miguel said as he slammed the door, his eyes full of rage at the idea that Iston was going to check out his naked sister.

Iston stopped and folded his arms over his chest. He was not a fool. He looked at Miguel and shook his head.

"Let me get you a drink to calm you the fuck down." Miguel snarled as he began walking away from the door.

Iston starred at Zarina's closed room. He narrowed his eyes and slightly smiled at the fact that this girl had a stream of people to hide her secrets.

"It is rude to reject a guest." Miguel snapped over his shoulder at Iston.

Iston let out a sigh of frustration. It was indeed very rude. He had no doubt Miguel was trying to get him away from Zarina's door, and probably because the king was indeed inside, doing who knows what with the Half-Breed. He shook his head trying to get the images out of his mind.

At least he is tasting all the flavors. But at what cost?

Iston walked off to stroll next o Miguel as they made their way down the passageways.

Miguel was probably the scariest-looking demon out of the siblings. He had a scar that ran down his face. He was large and looked like he would eat anyone who walked in front of him.

"Are you and the King fucking or something?" Miguel's vulgar question took Iston off guard.

He smirked and shook his head. "No,"

Miguel stopped and looked down at him. "Then why are you obsessed with where the King is?"

Iston stopped in his steps, "It is my job to ensure the King sticks to protocol." He wasn't sure if that was the only reason, but it was the reason he chose to use now.

"I do not know of any protocol that stops him from sleeping with my sister," Miguel said with a shrug as he continued to walk forward.

Iston rolled his eyes. "He can fuck all of them, but visiting her bed-chamber midday, not to mention she is a."

Miguel spun around and pinned him to the hall. Iston gripped onto his arms trying to push him off but to no avail.

Miguel's eyes were filled with wrath. "Do not call my sister a half-breed."

Iston's eyes widened. He hadn't expected them to be sensitive over the matter. The King had also seemed upset when he had called her that, but that was what she was. He did not mean it viciously.

"Fine," Iston said with a nod. Miguel slowly released him, as he traced over Iston's face.

Iston's eyes trailed to the scar on Miguel's face, wondering what had caused it.

"Let me get you that drink." Miguel snarled as he pushed away from Iston and walked down the passageway.

Iston took a moment, taking in the immense size of him. He shook his head then followed swiftly after.

He would need to play nice with this one.

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