Chapter Twelve

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Zarina woke up still feeling exhausted from the night before. Her head was pounding from the ambrosia, and her body ached from the amount of dancing she had partaken in.

She had not stayed at the celebrations and instead went off to find a bar to enjoy herself. After the King had returned her to her brother, her brother had spent thirty minutes drilling her to find out what she had done, why her dress was different, and why her hair was down. She gave him the honest truth, she tried to annoy the King, then he demanded she changes because her dress was a mess.

Thaddeus had seemed revealed by that truth as it would appear, he had thought her and the king had been rolling around either because of a fight or something more sexual.

The King had stormed off and dragged Iston away who had given her an annoyed look. They had left the celebrations abruptly early too. A part of Zarina hoped it was because the long chase had frustrated and embarrassed the king.

She wanted to lie in bed and let the hangover pass, but unfortunately, there was another event this morning, even more, stupid than the one of the previous evenings.

It was called To the Death, but there was nothing deadly about it.

It was another game, where all the maidens competed in a snowball fight. It was ridiculous.

The outfits they were expected to wear were even more ludicrous.

Hers was a thick dark grey coat, topped with fur, and large gloves that looked fashionable but you couldn't do much with them.

No, she would finish this one early today. She had other plans.

She walked onto her balcony, enjoying the cold winter air hit her skin, soothing the pounding her head was going through.

The town below quiet from how early it is, except for a few servants preparing the courtyard below.

She looked up at the mountains, the same mountains the villagers had told her the undead had moved to.

That was her goal today, and no brother was going to stop her.

The doors swung open as a trail of servants walked in to prepare her for the event. She could dress herself, and since the king wanted her hair down, not much preparation was needed for that either. But she didn't want to be rude to the ladies who seemed eager to dress her up.

"My lady," One of the servants said with a kind smile, gesturing for her to come inside and get ready.

Zarina returned the smile, but with less enthusiasm and walked back into the room. She was not a lady.

They powdered her face, lined her eyes, painted her lips, all for her to look like the Maiden from hell, which she had to appreciate. Got her dressed in the thick, barely movable dress and put on her gloves.

They began putting up her hair. "No." She said sternly. "Leave it down," She said in an annoyed tone.

"You have such a pretty face, my Lady, the king would surely love to see more of it?" They said as they pinned her hair out of her face, to expose her green eyes.

Zarina shook her head at them slowly. "Down, please." She asked kindly.

They nodded and brushed out her hair, leaving it down as it trailed down her back.

Zarina took a moment to look at her green eyes, proof of her tainted blood. The King declaring her was stupid, so stupid.

Once they were done, Thaddeus strode in with purpose, wearing an outfit that matched hers, but looked far more comfortable.

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