Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Zarina's eyes fluttered open and again she had the pleasure of being greeted by severe pounding through her head. Her mouth was dry and she felt like her teeth had grown fur. Her stomach churned with the remnants of ale.

She shifted slightly trying to see if anything hurt since she couldn't remember much, and blackouts usually involved her falling, a lot.

Her eyes widened as she felt a large arm wrapped around her. She remembered the two elves she enchanted. How she planned to have them both have their way with her.

She looked down at the arm noticing it was darker in skin complexion than that of the elves she had picked out.

No, she recognized that arm.

She gently looked over her shoulder to see the King cuddled up behind her back, spooning her.

She gulped down as she continued to assess the situation. Her eyes widened as she realized she wore nothing except her undergarments.

She was lying almost completely naked with the King in her bed. What had she done? Had she enchanted him to take her?

Oh Fates, she was going to be in so much trouble when he woke up.

He let out a slight groan as he moved his arm away from her. She tried to remember the evening, what had she done? Her mind was a total blank after doing sensual ambrosia shots with the elves.

"Shit." He moaned out as he began sitting up abruptly.

She closed her eyes, preparing herself for the trouble she was about to be in, or hoping he would think she was asleep.

"I can sense you are awake." He said with a comical tone.

She slowly turned to face him, ensuring the sheets covered her the entire time.

He had placed himself against the bedframe and was staring down at her with an arched eyebrow. He wore no shirt, but it did seem he had pants on.

"How is that headache?" He asked with an amused smile.

He doesn't seem mad, that's a good sign, right?

She sat up groaning slightly as the headache continued to pound against her skull.

He let out a little chuckle, as he rubbed his eyes. "I should probably go."

"I need more answers before you leave." She said with a perplexed voice as she noticed the dress on the floor.

He turned to her and smiled. "You don't remember anything?"

She shook her head immediately regretting it as it pounded. She brought her hands to her head and groaned out.

"Please tell me I didn't enchant you to do something."

"Oh, you did." He said with a chuckle.

She leaned forward placing her head in her palms. "Oh no, no, no." She said shaking her head. "What did we do?"

"Had to tell you what I was thinking, and you made me take off your dress." He said looking over at the crumpled-up fabric that lay on the floor.

"Is that it?" She asked with a hopeful voice.

"Yes." He said with a reassuring tone. "I don't kiss drunk girls, Z."

She looked over her shoulder at him and creased her eyebrows. Did he just call her Z?

"Sister, you decent?" Darius was calling from outside the door.

Zarina and Callon both sat up awkwardly as the door began to open.

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