Chapter Twenty-Five

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Zarina sat in her chair watching as Nessa continued to whisper into the plant.

Was an odd sight to see, Thaddeus seemed enthralled as he was leaning forward onto the table with his elbows, staring at her.

He was very clearly taken with her, so was the King. Watching how the king smiled at Nessa made Zarina angry. Nessa was who he was picking but still, these ludicrous events continued, putting the girls through so much embarrassment.

If she could rule, she'd rid the land of these traditions. Let her children fuck and marry whoever they pleased. If they didn't want to at all, then even better. She shuddered at the thought of having children at all.

Zarina looked at her brothers, Thaddeus was still watching Nessa, Miguel was looking at his tumbler filled with Ambrosia, and Darius seemed to be drifting off to sleep.

Not thirty minutes ago she had all of them trying to tell her what power she should use. Thaddeus recommended she use her demon powers of darkness, she was not nearly as gifted in it as Thaddeus was, but she would be able to suck the light of the room around them. Would be impressive, but Darius felt she should glow, use her enchantments. She had to remind him it doesn't work on the King's Mind. Miguel felt she was perfectly skilled in combat and agility; he would be able to quickly set up an obstacle and she would be able to show off her fighting skills.

She looked over at Nessa, she was a warrior, but everyone knew that she was now showing the king what else she could do, which apparently was talking to plants.

The king seemed to be enjoying whatever it was that she was doing, his lips curved up in a seductive nature. The sight caused Zarina's fingers to curl in annoyance.

"Darius you idiot." Miguel hissed. Zarina turned to see Miguel's glass knocked over and Darius's head darting up from his nap.

"I'm awake." He said quickly as he shook his head.

Darius looked over at her, looking very tired, probably still hungover. "Have you decided yet?" He asked with as much strength as she had.

"It does not matter." Miguel snarled as he began cleaning up the mess.

He was right, it didn't at the end of the day, she wasn't going to be picked next, she made sure of it, she also could never Bond with the king.

"He is already wrapped around her little finger," Miguel said as his lips curved up, taking the conversation in a completely different direction to what she expected.

Darius smiled in a wicked manner as Zarina shook her head.

"He took her breakfast, to her room." Miguel continued as he looked over at his sister.

"Tell me you did more than that." Darius smiled as he leaned towards her.

She shook her head sternly her jaw clenching. Darius just wanted her to bed the King, and get him to bond with her after. Maybe because Darius did not want her to be punished by their father, or maybe because he genuinely was concerned about her love life.

She looked up to see Nessa curtsey. It was her turn next.

Thaddeus reassuringly rubbed Zarina's shoulder as she slowly got up from the table.

She made her way onto the stage and felt everyone's eyes fall on her.

She looked down at the ground feeling anxious, she would probably just turn the room dark. It was the safest option, and she didn't need to impress the King.

She heard whispers between the crowds.

"Does she even have any powers? Aren't Half-Breeds broken?"

Her fists folded closed.

"She shouldn't even be here,"

Her skin felt cold as she wished she could just crawl into a ball.

"Emperor is an idiot to think the King would even consider tainted blood."

She felt her heart race as the panic began to set in. They were all right of course. She was broken, she shouldn't be here, and King was not even considering her, he was just keeping her along as a toy he could watch.

Her eyes narrowed at the thought. He acted as if he cared about her, but putting her through this torture was cruel.

He wanted to be entertained, then let him be.

She snapped her eyes up at the King and saw his body immediately tense as her eyes began to glow. He looked unsure as to what she was doing, but he was perfectly aware of her.

Her skin began to glow and she looked around to see the guests and Ambassadors all glazing over ready to listen to her beck and call. Her lips curved up as felt herself slowly unpeel from that shell.

"Zarina, what are you doing?" Thaddeus asked as he got up from his chair. He looked over at the room, taking in the number of people she was enchanting.

"No, leave her, this is brilliant," Darius said with a proud smile, pulling Thaddeus down by his arm.

"Zarina." The king growled with a lust-filled voice. It pleased her to see that even though he was aware, and she couldn't touch his mind, she affected his body and voice.

She flicked her hair out of her face, revealing her features. She slowly turned around and took in the room. She traced over all the subjects whose eyes were now fully glazed over.

"You all saw me use impressive powers," She ordered sternly as her lips curved into a wicked smile, "You all saw how strong and capable I am." She continued, she turned to face the King. "You realize that your judgment in my tainted blood is no longer necessary."

"Zarina." The king said again with a voice that was tipped in desire. He looked as if he wanted to either kill her or kiss her as his fingers dug into his throne.

"When I finish off and curtsey you will all clap." Her eyes were glaring at the King now. This was a clear warning for him.

He may believe he was in control, but she could very easily take over and turn the events against him.

Her glow began to fade and her eyes dimmed. People slowly began recomposing themselves.

She bent down low and gave her best curtsey yet. The room filled with claps everyone now sounding very impressed with whatever they thought they just saw.

She looked at the king who was also clapping because he had to, but his face was filled with rage.

She didn't care, he should know not to pick an enchantress as a favorite. She gave him one final smile that reminded him how dangerous she could be.

She walked off the stage and stormed off. She strode past her brothers who all still seemed shocked at what she had done. Thaddeus was looking over at the cheering crowd and the King. Darius even seemed slightly concerned.

She walked towards two muscular Elves who looked like they could give her some fun.

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