Untitled Part 20

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Calon sat in his lounge suit that was connected to his bed chambers.

He was spawned out over a large, golden couch that he managed to sit in comfort with an ice pack to his face.

He had been wrapped in several bandages around his legs where the creatures severed heads had chewed at him.

"Ugh." Iston groaned out as he leaned his head back on an adjoining couch. He had slashes on his torso, and bite marks on his arms. He looked just as exhausted as Callon felt.

Callon shook his head, they had defeated the creatures and slashed down every single one of them, and when the threat had passed, he'd finally been able to check on Zarina.

She had been slashed across the stomach by one of those things and was barely breathing. She had been on the ground with blood pouring out around her. Her intestines had soiled the snow. Callon had felt his body want to cave in from the realization that she was going to die.

But before Callon could get to her, Thaddeus and Darius swept in and carried her away, saying they could fix it. He did not question how they thought they could heal her, all he cared about was that they did.

He wasn't going to lose one of his fighters, especially not a Maiden.

"We should call off the event," Callon said sternly as he looked over at Iston.

"We will be fine by tonight," Iston responded as he got up from the couch. His now dirty blonde hair trickled down his neck, sticking to his skin. His white shirt was now brown, with pieces of decayed flesh still clinging to the fabric.

He made his way over to the wet bar and poured himself some Ambrosia with ice. He looked towards Callon offering if he wanted some.

Callon nodded sternly, anything beats the aches and pain.

"Zarina might not be." Callon pointed out, her entire stomach had been on that ground, how she would live, let alone how she would join the event was beyond him. But Thaddeus had reassured him, they could fix her.

Iston brought over the drink. "My friend, do you plan on Bonding with the Half-Breed?" He asked as he flopped next to Callon. A sharp shooting pain ran up his leg causing him to send Iston a death glare.

"Don't call her that," Callon ordered as he took the glass from his friend.

"But that's what she is." Iston wasn't being cruel, he was being honest, reminding Callon why she was not a suitable mate.

"Of course, I don't plan on Bonding with her." Callon snapped as he took a swig of Ambrosia, feeling it burn down his throat. The heat was already soothing his pains.

"Then why did she get the next set of invites?" Iston looked concerned like Callon was about to make a serious mistake with massive ramifications.

Iston could be fun and a fool but when it came to royal duties, he was serious. It was his job to be serious.

Callon had been asking himself the same set of questions since he put her name down on that invite. He had told himself over and over that he would not drag Zarina through more rituals, but when he reached that twelfth invite... He could only think about putting her name down.

Callon just shook his head. "She's... interesting."

Iston slightly frowned. "So, this is just tasting the different flavors then?"

Callon rolled his eyes, "I'm not tasting her." He answered sternly. It sounded rather disturbing, 'tasting her'.

"Either way, if you don't plan on bonding with her, then the event can go on tonight." Iston downed his drink and starred out towards the fireplace. His body shivered and he probably was reliving the fight from the day.

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