1.21 - Demoted

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I am incapable of telling the difference between the physical, actual world, and hallucinations. It has been this way for weeks and I am no longer convinced it's because of a concussion. 

The gathering had been held, and they came to the conclusion that I was to be stripped off from the third-in-command position and have to try out all the jobs around the glade. I have Newt, Minho, Gally and Frypan to thank for strongly objecting (a couple of heavy hints of a physical fight or fatal accidents) the decision of me being banished. At least they're the ones who understood that I've been controlled to do things that I have no idea of. I've started to use Gally's walking stick now, not to support me when I'm walking, but to use it to do tricks with it. I always stop when the action gets too painful for me. I still can't move around as much as I like to as my body hasn't completely healed from the wounds I attained yet.

"Gally the builder,

Wants us to call him Captain

But we don't want to

And now he's angry

Sour Gally, Angry Gally


I screeched the last part of my made-up song before running away from my spot when Gally shots me a glare and approaches me, weaponless. But you can never be too careful. He stops in front of where I was assigned to work at before giving me a look that tells me to continue my work, which I did after giving him a sheepish grin.

"I should drop a note into the box to ask for some duct tape to put it over your mouth." I heard him said in a low tone before snapping my head up.

"We could ask for anything and it'll appear in the box when the next supplies come?" I gave Gally a disbelieving look. "Why didn't anyone tell me this?"

"Because you annoy the shuck out of everyone." Gally sent me a glare. "And don't stop hammering."

"Urgh fine." I picked up the hammer I've dropped a few moments ago and started to hammer the nail into the board. I was trying to make a bed for Newt, trying to fulfill the promise I had made him ages ago. We've never exactly talked about our fight before I went into the maze, but things with him seem to be going back to normal and I'm okay with that. We've started to have lunch together and hung out more, just like the good old times. "Has anyone thought of asking for a television? We can all watch it when we're bored."

"How about you just finish your shuck work and leave me alone for the rest of the remaining day?" Gally suggested with a fake smile as he gave me a pointed look.

"I'm almost done; hold your pants Gal. Geez, is this how you treat people who offer you help?" I rolled my eyes at him before hammering the last two nails to secure the table together. Before I could tell Gally I was finished, the hammer was snatched out of my hand and Gally was eagerly pushing me away from the builder's hut. Liam was behind him in a jiffy, waving goodbye at me. I guessed he didn't dare to speak because he didn't want to risk Gally turning around and catch him not working. 

What a funny boy.  

"You're done for the day and don't you dare come back!"

"Glad to know my presence was very welcomed." I rolled my eyes before spotting Newt who was discussing something with a glader. "Maybe I'll go hang out with Minho." I mumbled to myself before letting my eyes wander around the glade to catch the sight of the runner. A grin made its way onto my face when I saw him made his way through the doors. Just when I was about to make a beeline towards him, I realized Minho always makes his way towards the Map Room first after he comes back to the maze. So he won't be free either.

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