1.13 - Spilled

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It wasn't easy, but it took about three days for the pain in my ankle to subside and for it to become somewhat bearable. I still felt pain shoot through my foot if I walked on it funny, and had been limping everywhere I go. Due to my absence for the last day of 'playing the leader', some of the keepers wanted to call for a gathering about me. I wasn't allowed to attend, nor do I want to and kept myself occupied in Frypan's kitchen instead by cutting up carrots and potatoes for dinner. He doesn't like it when I touch knives and complains that I'm too slow. Now that no one was here to look at me, I was able to do my task much quicker and at ease.

I nearly cut my finger off from worrying too much about the gathering. I couldn't help it, my mind kept drifting over to the gathering hut.

The dream I had about Thomas wearing a lab coat has almost faded completely and the only information I remember was Thomas's name. But as soon I got bored trying to remember Thomas (not like there's any valuable memories about him), the anxiousness came tumbling back. My stomach shifts uneasily and I noticed my hands had circled themselves around my body instead of cutting up the vegetables. I pulled them off myself slowly before taking a deep breath to calm myself down.

Maybe they're not going to banish me, I didn't do anything wrong. Besides, Newt and Minho would not let anything happen to me. Frypan is my friend, and maybe Gally. I'm safe, I'm safe, I'm safe.

I don't want to die.

Picking up the knife once more I focused on cutting the vegetables before gathering them up and put them into a boiling pan. I added corn into the soup before that. Frypan said I could help by preparing soup for the gladers, he'd taught me how to do it but I thought I would alter his recipe a bit by adding corn. I hope he won't get mad.

"Smells good greenie, what's cooking?" Minho's voice sounded itself from my far left. Without thinking, the knife that was clutched in my hand went flying towards his direction. I wasn't planning on to hurt him with the knife. I knew where he was standing at and was aiming at his general direction. I heard Minho yelped before letting my gaze land on him for a brief second.

My instincts were correct. The knife was far from hurting him, well not so far considering it went few inches over his head and stuck at the wall behind Minho.

"You're slipping, Primrose."

I had the surprise of my life when someone was talking to me in my head but the overwhelming feeling that I could have easily killed someone took over and I paid no attention to it. The breath I haven't realized I've been holding in was released and I nodded to myself. "It could be worse." I could have killed my best friend.

"Are you kidding me? You threw a knife at my head!" Minho yells as soon as he recovers from his shock. "I'm pretty sure the knife cut some of my hair off!"

"I'm sorry." I mumbled before walking towards where the knife was with my hands outstretched. Minho reached the knife before I did before throwing it towards the counter with it landing with a loud clank. Why did it felt good to throw something?

"Whatever, I'm telling Newt." Minho rolled his eyes at me before leaving. I let out a small shriek before grabbing onto his arm.

"You can't!"

"What do you mean I can't? You just threw a knife at me without looking! Have you seen the way you threw it? It's like... like something you've been doing for your whole life!" Minho threw his hands up in the air. I then realized he wasn't going to tell Newt I nearly killed him, he was going to tell him I could aim without looking. What if Newt tells Alby and Alby decides I was dangerous and banishes me?

Why can't Minho get his priorities straight instead?

"You just can't alright? Please Minho, promise you'll never tell anyone about this!" I tugged on his sleeve. "If Alby knows, he'll banish me! I don't want to die!"

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