1.26 - Game

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"You suck."

"I'm sorry."

"You seriously suck."

"I said I'm sorry!"

"I cannot even with you right now," I raised a palm to gesture a circular motion at Minho. "Worried for nothing! Waste of effort! Waste of my time!"

He groans at me, wiping his face with the hem of his shirt. "I don't really need it, I always make it back to the maze!"

I scoffed, placing both of my hands at my hips, "You could have used it to get back sooner, right? What an idiot your friend is, look at him!" I turned over to speak to Newt, gesturing a hand dramatically at Minho.

"If it helps, I used it and I came back to the glade about an hour earlier." Ben pipes up from next to us after swallowing a bite of his food.  

"An hour eh, not bad." Jeff jolts the new information down into his notebook. "What about the rest of you?"

Out of four of the remaining eight runners, only three raised their hands. I was exasperated and clenched my teeth together tightly to prevent myself from giving them a series of insults. Both Newt and Jeff took notice of my rage that I was trying my best to contain and I was guided away from the table of runners by Newt, who took me to get our share of dinner from Frypan. Jeff assured me that he would continue the questions while I was gone. 

"I'm so mad I could hit someone right now." I grumbled to Newt as I waited in line with the gladers. 

"I know you meant well Rosie, I'm sure Minho would make them try out the syringes tomorrow." Newt tells me as he handed me an empty plate. "But on the other hand, I'm impressed that you thought of creating adrenaline rushes."

I blushed at his compliment before trying to balance the empty plate on top of my head to distract myself. I hope he didn't see my red cheeks. "I got the idea because I feel I'm happier and I can move faster whenever I eat chocolates."

"Your favourite food is chocolate?" He questions me. I nodded at him eagerly, feeling the plate slide off my head whilst doing so. Newt reached out to catch it but missed, letting the plate fall into my awaiting hands. "Oh wow, you look so jolly right now." He chuckles at me in amusement. 

"What's yours?" I asked him curiously. 

"Cheese. I bloody love cheese." Newt throws his head back as he answers me. His eyes were shut and I bet the boy was imagining the taste of his favourite food at the moment. 

"Aww, you're like a little mouse. How cute." I commented as I watched him adoringly. Newt pretended to take a bite out of an imaginary piece of cheese he held in his hand, chewed, swallowed, and patted his stomach in enjoyment. 

"Sorry to disappoint you Newt, we're having fried chicken tonight with rice and veggies." Frypan interrupts Newt from his daydream as he plops a bowl of rice onto Newt's empty plate. The helper next to him placed a piece of chicken breast down as Newt moved along with the line, pouting to show his disappointment. 

"Can I get a drumstick please?" I asked the helper hopefully, eyeing on the part of the chicken that I wanted the most. I had to shut my mouth to make sure I hadn't start drooling in front of them. How unsanitary would it have been!

"Just this once." Frypan nods his permission at the helper, and I beamed at both of them in appreciation. 

Jeff was already at the table digging into his plate when Newt and I returned, eyes busy scanning the information he had gotten from the runners. 

"On average each runner comes back 53 minutes earlier than their usual time." He spoke without glancing up, busy scribbling his pen on the paper. "How much sugar did you mix into the water?"

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