1.11 - Crutches

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The night had not been kind towards me. I have been woken up by someone yelping in pain in the middle of the night. Imagine my surprise when I saw that it was Gally who is fixing the fence in the middle of the night whilst trying not to wake the three of us who had decided to camp in the pen. Hm, he is a softie on the inside after all.

When the fence was broken and Gally didn't want to fix it, I had Newt and Minho to help me carry a broken tree trunk (after taking measurements and chopping it to a smaller size) to block off the opening, but unfortunately, the lambs still kept jumping out of the area they were trapped in.

It has been a day ever since I challenged Alby over his position and by the time this whole challenging thing ends, the first thing that I'll be doing is to apologize to him. If I told you that playing leader is fun, then I'll be lying. It's tiring and I'm surprised my limbs are still attached and my bones are not shattered yet. I'd figured not many people really like me around here and the gladers had been playing pranks on me.


I have tons.

In just a day, a boy had come to me and told me that Newt was looking for me and he was at the Homestead. But as soon as I push open the door, a pail of water that was mixed with mud and other foreign items that I would never like to know what they are went pouring down on me; drenching my white shirt immediately. Needless to say, whoever thought of that prank loves to involve an audience. Someone decided it would be fun to throw worms on me to wake me up in the middle of the night, but I have no idea who it was as I was trying to get those squirmy creatures off. It took a while for Newt to calm me down, whereas Minho complains that I'm making too much noise. Gally came by a short time after.

I couldn't sleep properly after the worm incident and kept feeling them squirming all over my skin despite they were long gone from my body. After a frustrated groan, I decided to head to the shower for a bath to cool myself down, only to have my clothes stolen when I was bathing. I'm just really, really thankful that Jeff was the one who heard me trying to yell while not direct attention to myself at the same time and brought me some clothes, and could only hope no one peeked when I was taking my shower. It was equally awkward for the both of us.

I heaved out a heavy sigh as I laid my head on Newt's chest and enjoy the rising and falling of his chest, I was seriously considering if I should knock on Alby's door right now and admit that I've lost. I grinned when Newt's arm found its way around my waist, someone's a cuddler.

But no, I can't give up, not when I have the opportunity to prove my worth.

Before I was rudely woken up by worms, I had a dream that I have a twin brother named Thomas, but in the dream, I couldn't see his face, it was just a blur image. Even though I have no memories of Thomas, but I was already missing him badly. Maybe it's because he is a reminder of my past - a past that I have no memory of.

Gee, has being in a glade full of boys made me feel so lonely that I started to miss someone who might not even be real?

"If you're real; I hope I'll see you soon Thomas." I sighed.

It was the first time I said Thomas's name and an odd familiarity was on the tip of my tongue. The dream couldn't have been a memory. Newt had informed me the only way to regain memories from our previous lives was to get stung by a griever. So Thomas may have been born from my imagination because I was too tired and I mustn't think of him anymore.

But he felt real.


The next time my eyes were open, the world was starting to get brighter and Minho was long gone from his spot. I wonder how does he manage to wake up on time and early every day. Newt was still asleep and I laughed in amusement when I noticed the drool at the corner of his mouth.

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