1.31 - Reluctance

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Newt had sworn to me that no matter what he would make sure I would be safe the evening before he leads me to the gathering. I had him go ahead of me first when the hut came into view, joking to him that I wasn't going to run away from the hut away from my problem. He gives me a bright smile and lets go of my hand, trying to assure me that everything will be alright. I let my cherry demeanor fall as he stepped in without another glance back.

My hands felt clammy and I couldn't help but think something evil is going to happen when I'm in the hut. There was still a lot of unanswered questions in my head, why Minho couldn't hear the voice that spoke to me, why I was the only who saw a griever coming out of its habitat, who is the shank named Thomas who claimed to be my twin? 

I felt a squeeze around my brain as I tried to rack through it to search for anything related to Thomas, but nothing. Just a cloud of darkness. The only thing I was certain of him is he's a boy because of his name, and that I've dreamt about him ages ago. 

Minho was the last of the keepers to go into the hut, and the runner gave me a pat on my back as he jogs past me, offering his comfort physically. I pulled the door shut after us, sucking in a breath before turning around and put on a brave front. I couldn't afford to let anyone see that I was terrified, they might use it to their advantage and that's the last thing I want to happen. 

There was only a seat in the middle of a semi-circle, clearly reserved for me while the rest of the keepers had occupied the remaining twelve seats. Alby pointed at the empty seat, signaling me to sit down without his words. 

"Look at all of you being prim and proper." I tried to make a smart remark to ease the tension of the hut for myself, hoping the keepers would at least smile, but even Newt has a serious look. 

Unlike the other keepers who had their feet planted on their ground, I propped mine on the chair, leaning an elbow on my right knee that was raised upwards. I had started to pick the dirt underneath my fingernails too, doing everything I can to come off as nonchalant. 

Alby clears his throat and started to speak, "We're gathered here today for an important reason. To select a job for Primrose."

I looked up to him, instantly putting my feet down to the ground and sat still. I almost laughed at the prospect that I had thought I was summoned into the gathering hut because I was in trouble again. I don't have anything to worry about, Frypan had promised he'll choose me to be one of his cooks. The chef gave me a small smile and a nod when he noticed I was looking at his direction hopefully. 

He raises his hand afterward, "She's been a great help to me in the kitchen, and is one of the shanks that actually enjoys cooking. I want her to be a cook." I nodded eagerly at his words while looking at Alby. 

Newt was the next one to agree with Frypan's offer to give me a job, and he was quickly joined in by Clint, Winston and Gally.

"Hold on a second," I felt my heart plummet to the ground when Minho spoke and slowly turned my head to look at him. Unlike the previous keeper, he did not bother to raise his hand to signal he has something to say. "I want Primrose to be a runner. She's the first to survive grievers, and I think she can be of help at some point. I admit yesterday was klunk, but I'm sure she'll get past her fear and get used to the maze eventually. I can see she has potential when we were playing the running game the other night."

Alby nods, agreeing with him and I realised he was there to back Minho's point. He was with us at the game of chase that night. He hadn't run off to catch someone else because he couldn't spot them, he stayed and continued chasing after Liam and I as we led him to Minho on purpose. He had wanted to observe me, and I hadn't noticed his true intentions because I was too focused on the game. Crap, I've fallen into a trap.

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