1.10 - Lamb

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After my quick lunch I was off to the Deadheads, claiming I found where the sheep were because of their 'baaaas' to the gladers. I instructed the gladers who were guarding the sheep to grab the lambs and make a run for it as their mother would be chasing after them until they get their lambs back.

Also, I have a lamb bouncing at my heels excitedly and one nuzzled comfortably in my hands. The other sheep were trailing behind us. For some reason, I wasn't attacked, which is why I didn't run. How adorable.

"Greenie? There's a cow blocking the broken fence." A glader behind me pants as he struggles with the lamb in his hands that wants to be let down.

"He's right. Why isn't the fence fixed yet?" another voiced out his opinion.

"Yo greenie! You do know what you're doing right?"

Not really.

"Just put the lamb inside before I put you into the bloody maze. And appreciate the bloody cow for being more useful than Gally." I rolled my eyes at them. I heaved a sigh of relief secretly when the sheep didn't attempt to jump out after the gladers released them. "You can leave, the rest will follow."

"Just sit there for a bit longer cowsie. I promise I'll have this bloody fence fixed by sunset." I told the cow when I felt it nudge the back of my leg, trying hard not to laugh at it for tickling me.

The lambs in my arms and the one jumping around my legs were the only ones that were not put back into the fence yet. I watched silently as it wobbled on its nascent legs before jumping around and falling down a couple of times, letting out a tiny squeak after it gets up by itself. The rest of the lambs stayed close to their mothers except for this one, who seemed to be having too much fun jumping onto the back of the sitting cows and using its head to bump against legs that passed by.

Chuckling slightly, I stretched my hand out and caught the running creature before it could jump onto the cow again and held it in my arms. It lets out sharp bleats as if it was protesting of being held captive. Its mother nudged my back from behind the fence and I knew it was the time for the lamb to return. The tiny lamb bleats sadly at the loss of its new found freedom but was soon distracted when one of the other lambs decides to head-butt it from behind.

This scene put my brain into thoughts. Who was the creature who started the head-butt game? The lambs or the cow?

I spent the rest of my day sitting peacefully in the pen and surrounded by lambs in general, since no one had run into any problems, but as soon as the lambs fell asleep on and around me, I fell asleep with them.


Someone was poking my cheek and he has successfully stirred me awake but I was too lazy to make any movement to show that I was awake. I growled quietly when he pokes me at my shoulder this time.

"You should wake up now Rosie."

Rosie. Newt was the one who calls me Rosie. But I'm sleeping. Why am I sleeping? Wait, when did I fall asleep?

"I'm up! Sorry! The fence!"

I would have shot up from my position if Newt was not holding me down by my shoulders, thank goodness he had done that, or I would have launched the lambs into the air by accident. I almost panicked when I realized I could not see anything and thought I had become blind, but turns out, the Sun had already gone down. I gasps in horror when I realized I missed dinner, and turn to look at Newt.

"I don't understand why I did not hear Frypan's call for dinner."

"You were asleep." Newt offers a plate to me and sits in the spot next to me, fingers stroking the head of the lamb who is deeply asleep. I fell in love with the look of concentration on him.

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