1.23 - The Box

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"Can I do it myself?"

My voice was quiet, which surprises me because I didn't think sound would come out of my mouth when I talk. Newt had caught me when I let go of the tree branch after James's attack, and both of us carried James to the med-jacks as quickly as we could. While both Clint and Jeff were busy trying to stop the blood from coming out of his chest, Newt retreated us to his room and brought over a pail and a bucket of water. He tried to tend to my wound, and I know he was trying his best to be gentle, but it hurts every time he touches my face.

Newt hesitated before handling the cloth over to me and earned himself a small smile. There was, of course, a few times when I pressed against the wound where it hurts more, but I sucked it up and bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from making any noise.

"I'm surprised you didn't pass out." Newt commented. I knew he was dying to ask me what had gone down with James and I at the Bloodhouse.

"James tried to kill me, to put it in a nutshell. I fend him off and ran to the trees, I thought I would be safe on a tree until someone gets him. But he could climb trees too, Newt." I hastily rub my eyes as I felt tears forming in them. I hate crying, it makes me feel weak. "I was so scared, I really thought I was going to die. No- no o- one was coming to help me."

"Aww, Rosie." Newt engulfs me in a hug as I cried into the cloth. "Shh, shh, you're ok now. You're safe. I came, didn't I?"

"J- James told me I almost killed him, when I was in one of those blackout sessions." I sobbed. "He told me he almost killed me too if it wasn't for you. Thank- thank you for saving me over and over again, I know I don't deserve to stay in this glade, I've been so much trouble, especially to you and Alby. God, Alby must hate me so much. This scar right here," I pointed at my eye.

"It's so ugly. It's so ugly, Newt. And it's right in front of my face where everyone can see it."

"No, it's not. You look badass with the scar." Newt comforted as he brushes his fingers against it. "No one really looks at it anyway. I'm sorry I let you go to the Bloodhouse in the first place, you must have been so scared."

"Maybe not you, but everyone always looks at me. I don't like the attention. Look what attention from James brought me. He's probably going to die because of me. And- and-"

"And?" Newt prompts gently.

"And I know it's bad to say this, but I hope he dies," I whispered. "I seriously hope he dies. He almost got me twice, Newt."

"It's ok, Rosie. It's ok to want someone who tried to kill you dead. No one is going to blame you for what James has done to you." Newt stopped stroking my head when I didn't respond to him. "What can I do to make you feel better? Do you want to take a nap? Or do you want some food? Do your face still hurt? I can go get Jeff or Clint."

"They need all the time they can spare for James. My injuries are nothing compared to his." I paused before calling out his name and the blond-haired boy hummed in reply. "Both you and Alby told me I've been sleepwalking. I need to know what I've done when I was being controlled."


"You can't protect me from the truth forever, Newt. I need to know."

Newt shook his head, "It's not important."

"When I was in the tree earlier, I felt such excruciating pain until I passed out, and I remembered something from the past." I began, and Newt's eyes grew shocked when he registered what I had just mention. "But I'll only tell you what it is in exchange for information from your side."

Newt scoffs and runs a hand through his hair, "I can't believe you're trying to make a deal with me. Ok, fine."

There was a long pause after he finished his sentence and Newt flushed when he realised I was waiting for him to start first. "Oh, you're waiting for me to go first." He chuckles in embarrassment. "It's not that interesting. You usually walk around in the dark and I'd follow you with the rope around your waist. First time, you attacked Alby in the woods and he passed out. The second time it happened, you actually stumbled into Minho's room and he screamed because he was only in his undies when you barged in. Why are you making that face?" Newt trails off laughing, stopping in the middle of his story.

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