1.14 - Slammer

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Never in my dreams in a billion years I thought I would witness Newt in an angry manner. It's kinda hard to imagine someone angelic to be furious; but imagine the reason of their anger was because of you.

"Newt," Minho laughs nervously. "You wouldn't, you know... tell anyone right?" His last word contains a bit of a squeak as he said it. Normally I would have laughed but I couldn't even force myself to move in this situation. I'm in so much trouble.

A heavy silence settled over us, thicker than the uneasy tension in the atmosphere. Every two seconds I tear my gaze away from the brown soil before I resume staring back at the ground as I avoided eye contact with both boys. Minho was shuffling on his feet uncomfortably when Newt didn't answer him. My heart hammered erratically at the thought of Newt. I was deathly afraid of his icy eyes, it coated him like an unbreakable barrier. His dark eyes seemed to pierce into my skin with extreme anger, if only looks could kill...

It was probably a few second of the uncomfortable silence, but it few like hours before Newt speaks. "I don't know. I mean, you two are best friends right? Making bloody flower bracelets and bloody friendship bracelets for each other and do all the things best friends do right? Leave Newt out of the secret will ya shanks?"

"I made the flower bracelet because I thought it would look stupid on Minho!" I shot a glance at Minho who had me at a glare before saying. "And I made you a flower crown!"

"But we didn't make friendship bracele-" Minho starts to say awkwardly before Newt cuts him off.

"I don't bloody care!" he screams at us. "I thought... I thought you trust me, Rosie. But you lied to me. To all of us."

"I didn't mean to." I spoke quietly as I hung my head down in shame. "And I do trust you."

"Then why did you only confess to Minho?" He accused as he took a step forward. "I asked you, a few days ago! You still lied right in my face."

"I never meant to tell him the truth! He tricked me" I pointed a finger at Minho. I was too careless; placing my trust too easily on people I barely knew. And this would probably cause me to get thrown off the cliff by Alby and lose Newt as a friend, and I don't want to lose him.

Newt merely scoffed at me. "You're smarter than that. How would you get tricked? Stop bloody lying to me greenie!"

"I wasn-"

Newt held his hand up and somehow managed to stop the words from forming in my mouth. "I don't want to listen to what you have to say greenie. Just... go away."

Once he said his piece, Newt turned around to leave. I wanted to follow him, but my feet remained planted on the ground. My jaw was slack and I could only blink at the situation at hand. I didn't know what to do. Newt, apparently wasn't looking where he was walking or he couldn't see well in the dark, tripped over something and stumbled towards the ground. Out of instinct, I immediately rush over to help him but he shoved me away before placing his hand against the tree and helped himself up.

"I said go away R- greenie." He snarled the last part forcefully before limping away. Even in the dark, I could see him wincing in pain and secretly massaging his limp. I watched silently as he left.

Minho placed his hand on my shoulder, making me jump at the sudden contact. I've forgotten I wasn't alone in the woods. "It'll be fine. Or else you'd see cows start to fly away from the grievers."

I was about to turn around and whack him for his comment before Newt's last sentence registered in my mind. "He called me greenie."

Minho stared at me as though I grew an eye in the middle of my forehead. "What?"

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