1.30 - In Which She Relives Her Trauma

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Just a little bit closer... you can do this Primrose. I thought as I hopped over a glader's limp body skillfully and giggling quietly when the glader lets out a sleepy snort. My mischievous grin widens as I neared Liam's still figure.

Just another step and I would be able to scream into his ear for him to wake up. Perfect. Suddenly, someone made a grab for my body from behind me and slapped his hand over my mouth, muffling the scream of shock and fear I had produced as he dragged me away.

"What do you think you're doing, Prim?" Minho's voice hissed before releasing me.

I batted my eyes, acting as innocently as possible before changing it into an accusation look, "Just having a little fun but you ruined it shuckface." He merely rolled his eyes at me, unaffected by the name-calling before walking away to get food from Frypan with me trailing after him like a lost puppy.

I gulped visibly after Lee announced that there were two minutes left before the door opens. Hearing him, the rest of the runners got up from their seats and started to make their way to the other doors. Ben gave me a smile and two thumbs's up as he and Lee left for the South doors. I could barely respond to him due to the urge to hurl out the contents in my stomach. 

"Let's go! Get a move on! No time to lose! Even a blind snail runs faster than you shanks!" Minho yells after them. I've learned that Minho's way of encouraging people is very... different and interesting.

And sometimes misusing the logic and fact.

"I don't think snails have eyes, Min." I tried to look brave when I speak, inwardly dreading the thought of going into the maze again. I turned my head to look at the glade one last time, to be specific, I was looking for Newt and I broke into a smile when I saw him leaning against the window of his room watching Minho and I. Even though he was a distance away, I could see him waving both of his arms at me.

I hadn't said goodbye to him this morning, and had pounced out of my hammock to stop his watch from beeping after the first beep woke me up. After I had finished tying my hair, I did stand over his hammock to stare at his sleeping figure, temporarily forgetting about my dismay within that short period of time. Finally, when it was time, I tiptoed out of the room. I didn't want him to wake up early and spend more time worrying about me, but boy oh boy was I glad he was awake to catch me going off just in time. 

I'm guessing he must have woken up when he heard the doors move and didn't have enough time to rush down to the doors to us, and could only catch us by looking out of the window. Minho waves at him too and gave him a thumb's up, probably signaling him that I'll be fine with him. The walls in front of us groans and shriek, as though it pained them when they moved. 

"Let's go!" The keeper called out when the gap between the walls is wide enough for one of us to go through. A flash of blue blur went past my eye and I started running as soon as Minho was in front of me. 

Personally, I don't think a fresh eye in the maze will help runners like Minho who had been in the shucking maze for two shucking years is going to shucking contribute much. But what do I know, I'm just someone Alby and probably most of the council members wanted to get rid of. Speaking of that, I better keep my eye on Minho so that I won't lose him, he might be tasked by Alby to leave me in the maze before the doors closed. I want to trust the boy with my life, but it's always the unexpected betrayal that hurts the most.

With that frightening thought in mind, I cast a look at Minho, who was swiftly cutting vines with his small knife and throwing them to the ground as he goes on, not slowing his momentum at all. He gave me a pep talk when we were walking out of the Homestead this morning, basically don't talk when we run and I was to watch his every move closely and report what I've learned when we're back in the glade.

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