1.38 - Dead Griever

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I was prepared to go out to the maze today, feeling like I needed a good run to distract myself from everything that had been going on in my head. It's true that I've missed being in the safe zone 24/7, but sometimes I felt suffocated. I made my way to the South Door while fidgeting with my satchel. A frown etched across my forehead when I saw Alby standing there beside Minho in his running gear. Before I could greet either of them, Minho announced,

"I found a dead griever yesterday."

"It's dead?" I frowned at him doubtfully. "And you're only telling me now?"

"Yes Prim, dead as in not moving, not breathing, not doing anything except rotting." He rolled his eyes at me.

"Shank even had the honour of making me fetch a glass of water for him." Alby grumbled, finishing his push-ups and standing up. Woah, that's so cool! Who knew Minho was able to boss Alby around? "But that doesn't mean you get to do the same, Primrose. I ain't helping another shank fetch a glass of water just because they're too shuck lazy to do it on their own." Alby gave me a pointed look.

I was about to retort when a question surfaced in my mind, "What killed it?"

Minho's eyes widen in realization before mumbling under his breath, "Wouldn't I like to know that too." I rolled my eyes at him. "Anyways, don't go into the maze today. Alby's coming with me to see the griever's corpse. There might be more of them running around in daylight, which is weird because they like the dark." Minho ponders.

"Change of climate maybe?" I suggested meekly. Now that he mentioned it, Ben was stung before the sun went down too.

"See ya later slinthead." Minho tousled my hair and sprinted into the maze along with Alby before I had the chance to strangle him.

I huffed in annoyance as I looked at the rest of the boys who were sleeping peacefully in their hammocks. I woke up early for nothing! And it seems that the other runners had already been made known about this because I didn't see them around. Waking up early without a valid reason just doesn't sit well with me, I need to find something to do. I perked up when I saw one of Thomas's feet peeking out of his hammock when he shifts in his sleep. Perhaps the morning isn't wasted after all.

"Get up!" I whispered loudly at Thomas's ear, not wanting to wake Chuck who was sleeping next to him. Thomas groaned before swatting his hand in mid-air as though I was an annoying fly.

"Bug off." He mumbled, his voice deep with sleep before burying his face into his pillow.

I huffed and rolled my eyes at him before bending down, "Guess you didn't want to go into the maze with me for a run then. I get it now, have a nice sle-"

Thomas shot up from his hammock at a speed faster than Frypan's when he chased after some gladers for raiding his fridge. I could still tell he hasn't registered what his body had done by the blank blinks he gave me.

"Let's go." I jerked my head towards the doors, not waiting for him to put on his shoes.

He easily catches up with me due to his long legs before frowning, "They made me a runner?"

"Not yet greenie. Since Alby's not around to catch us and it's two hours before the rest should be up, I say you should have a taste of the bloody maze since you having stopped yapping about it to Chubby Cheeks." I gave him a sly look. "Ya up for it greenie?"

"I never realize but you and Newt had the same accent, but yours isn't that obvious." Thomas observed.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I don't have an accent, I've been hanging around that shank too much and copied off his accent accidentally."

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