1.8 - Challenging Alby

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A few gladers shot me curious looks as I stormed up the stairs of the Homestead. It was almost bed time and most of them were lying in their hammocks, some were asleep, some lay awake and kept to themselves, while some were engaged in a conversation or game with each other. I couldn't control my impulsiveness, but I was angry at the prospect Alby had once again threaten to throw me over the cliff over a medical condition I have no control of. I hadn't thought of confronting the leader at all until I heard how terrible the argument between him and Newt was from Frypan. Although I have a feeling Frypan was hiding more information than he spared.

"What are you looking at?" I snapped without looking at them before continuing my journey towards Alby's room, stomping up the stairs and making sure

This morning hasn't been good to me, wherever I go, gladers would flee away from me. Something must have happened when I was passed out and I was determined to find out what it is. Newt and Minho were determined not to let a word slip past their lips whenever I tried asking them about it. Alby is most likely the other party who has the answers too, and I was certain he would be more than happy to inform me what I needed to know.

"Alby! Alby wake up!" I knocked loudly against his door, not caring if I'll be greeted with a thunder-cloud leader.

The door flew open without warning. "What is it no,w greenie?" I was surprised that Alby didn't look angrier than his usual self, but the annoyance was clear in his tone.

"You threatened to throw me off the cliff!"

Alby raised an eyebrow at me in surprise before responding, "Who told you that?"

"So it's true then." I glared at his chest, hoping he didn't catch on that I was pretending to be blind when I made eye contact with him earlier. "And what happened when I was unconscious yesterday? No one's bloody telling me anything and everyone seems to be avoiding me more than usual! What did you do?"

"Get to work greenie, don't you have a homestead thief to catch?" Alby swiftly changes the topic and shuts the door.

What else could I do aside from kicking the door to vent my frustration?

Nothing. That's what.

As soon as I was about to turn on my heels and leave, Alby's door was thrown open with a very, very angry owner behind it.

"Don't do that." He grits his teeth.

"You're a terrible leader." Was my retort. I couldn't think of anything to say at that moment! "What is it that you're so desperately trying to hide from me? Are you planning to throw me off the cliff tomorrow but you're not letting me know?"

"I'm not!" Alby snaps. "You've been here for barely a week greenie, don't make me banish you! Stop with those questions! It's none of your concern."

"I bet I could do a better job than you." I challenge, stepping forward. "Give it three days."

"You want to take over my place?"

"If that's what your concern is, then no."

"Whatever greenie, it's not like those shanks are going to listen to you."

"We'll see about that Alby, have fun plotting how you're going to banish me. But just so you know that would never happen."


"Come on people! Move it! Move your shucking legs! Don't make me walk faster than you! I have no bloody idea what I am doing."

The last sentence turned into a whisper as I helped the gladers lift up one of the supply boxes and walk forward with my eyes closed.

Technically my eyes weren't closed; I left a fraction of them open so I could see where I was going. The others thought I was using my ears as a guide. Suddenly, a piece of hard substance knocked me at the back of my head from behind, making me groan and drop the box I had placed on my shoulder.

"Oops." I heard someone apologized carelessly before bumping shoulders with me and made me stumbled on my feet. I swear if one more glader pisses me off, blind or not blind, I'll attack them without mercy.

"Watch where you're going shank." I snarled at him before shaking my head to clear off the pain.

"Oh I'm sorry, I guess I didn't see you there." The boy spoke as he emphasized on the word see. I've said it and I'll say it again, I should be offended but I wasn't blind. "Aw, is the little girl scared of me? Is she going to run off to tell Newt or Minho?"

"Well, one thing Newt didn't tell me that being stupid is one of the jobs in the glade. I guess you didn't have to try out for that job do ya shank? Oh! Maybe you were gifted!" I exclaimed in false surprise before leaving the boy behind.

Someone grabbed me from the back of my collar before jerking me backwards and choking me along the way.

Huffing, I turned around to face him. The boy had a stunned look on him, thin limbs, crooked nose and freckles dancing around on his face. His hair was black and it looked greasy to me. When was the last time he had a shower?

"Were you being sarcastic?" He tries to sound intimidating as he seethed.

I cocked my eyebrow at him, "If you're as twice as smart as you are now, you'd be absolutely stupid."

"You know what's stupid? Getting angry when people pick on your weakness. It's no use trying to do anything in the glade, greenie; everyone knows you're only going to mess things up. And you could never, ever replace Alby."

"I've never wanted to replace Alby if that is what everyone's been gossiping about." I fluttered my eyelashes at him innocently. "Yes, yes, I get it, you don't like me and I don't like you either, but bully me one more time shank, I promise you'll regret it."

"Is that a challenge?" It was his turn to raise his eyebrow at me. I sighed before shaking my head, turned around and kneeled down.

"I swear he's more stupid than he looks." I mumbled under my breath before trying to retrieve the box I had dropped 'blindly'. Haven't I made it obvious enough?

"Hey! What are you doing?" I heard someone yelled before snapping my head towards the source of his voice. What am I doing? I'm picking up a bloody box! I watched curiously as Gally stormed over with a hammer in his hand. He's not going to hit me with that, is he?

Two against one huh? Bring it on!

Just when I was about to yell a sarcastic comment, Gally walked past me, making me shut my mouth in doubt. "James! I told you if I find you slacking off one more time I'll cut you off from the job!" Gally roared at the boy behind me. Hm, so his name is James.

"Thank the stars you were not yelling at me in the first place." I mumbled quietly under my breath before picking up the box and walk away from the scene. My respect for Gally has gone higher, even though he probably wasn't helping me in the first place.

Now, proceeding to the plan of conquering the hearts of all gladers.

Yeah, like that would happen.

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