1.32 - Greenbean

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"It's your last day as a greenie Chubby Cheeks, congratulations for making through the month without getting yourself killed." I lightly slapped Chuck at his back before slipping into the seat opposite him. Chuck visibly gulps and nods at what I've said before returning to his meal.

Newt kicked me lightly under the table as he gave me a look that told me not to scare the poor kid. I pouted at him before setting down a plate of scraps for Bark. He gave a joyful bark before digging in hungrily. Frypan was displeased with Bark at the beginning and tries to ignore Bark's presence as much as he could. Just when I was about to yell at Frypan for not letting Bark eat anything, Bark managed to catch a glader who tried to sneak into Frypan's kitchen, I'm not sure if Bark had intentionally caught the glader, I suspect Bark was sneaking into the kitchen at the same time and caught the glader coincidentally. And bam! That was the moment Frypan starts to feed him random scraps he had in his kitchen.

Bark was actually a lot smarter than I thought he was. Sometimes he would chase the animals that had run out of their shed back in or he would just lounge around Frypan's kitchen, not letting anyone in until Frypan bangs his pot. Or that little rascal would steal a bone from Frypan's kitchen and hide in the forest until he thought it was safe to reveal himself without Frypan threatening to skin off his fur. He sleeps with Newt and I during the night, which annoyed Newt in the beginning because Bark's fur kept tickling him. I've finally made Newt his bed, which was why Bark was able to always hop into bed with him at night. He couldn't come into mine because my hammock remains hanging in the air.

And if you're wondering, to say Alby was angry about the addition animal that cannot be killed and has to depend on us to live at the same time is an understatement. He nearly threw me into the slammer when I accidentally confessed I was the one who asked for a dog but Newt stepped in luckily and defended me. But boy, he did lose his klunk for the rest of the week.

Nothing much has changed during the month of Chuck's arrival; most of the gladers still ignore that young shank, probably it's because Chuck's seemed too young to them or the fact he talks too much. Newt is the only one who didn't get annoyed at him, I didn't mind Chuck unless he was still with Newt and I when I wanted Newt for myself. I was possessive over Newt and would glare at any of the boys who dare to come to get him to help them with something while I was next to him. I barely get to see the boy much ever since I became a runner and wanted to spend as much time as I could with him. 

Running still sucks, and as expected, we didn't find anything new but Minho stubbornly refused to believe that. I still hear Thomas's voice in my head at times, and learned to ignore the weird sounds and sights I heard and seen in the maze by checking Minho's reaction each time. Not going to lie, sometimes the vision gets too much for me to handle and I would accidentally run straight into walls when I couldn't pull myself out of them in time. Minho would laugh and say I needed an extra eye while helping me up, but I have a feeling that he knew something was going on in my head, but he didn't want to admit the strange visuals in my head do exist. On the other hand, the creators must have a fun time playing with my brain, yipee. 

I can't believe I've been here for almost half a year, it feels like I've been living here forever. Well technically all of us had been living here as long as we can remember, since our memories had been wiped by the creators. It's weird but the glade almost felt like home.

But the only problem is I don't want to spend the rest of my life stuck in here.


"When's the bloody greenie coming up? They're sending him much later than usual." Newt grumbles as he wanders around the box, his glare never leaving it. I laughed at him before rolling my eyes. If he thinks glaring at the box is going to make the greenie come up faster, he's mistaken, but it is funny to see the way he's acting now.

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