1.18 - Stitches

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It was relatively strenuous to work on trying to save Primrose's unconscious body. 

Unlike the previous victims, she seemed to have not been stung by the grievers, otherwise, the boys would have a tough time holding her down for Jeff or Clint to stick the griever serum into her system. They had rushed Primrose to the med-jack's room on Gally's back, as he was the strongest glader at the moment, and laid her down against one of the beds. 

"Bandages and stitches, lot of them." Clint instructed Jeff to search through the drawers for the equipment that he needed. 

"Turn her on her back." The keeper turned to instruct the other boys who had followed into the room. Both Minho and Newt quickly obeyed and tried to be as gentle and quick as possible to turn Primrose over, staining their hands with her blood.  

"I got some water and cloth!" Liam announces as he rushes into the room clumsily, spilling some of the water onto the wooden floor. Newt's head snapped towards him, momentarily grateful one of them has the brain to think of fetching water to clean Primrose's wound first. Clint immediately reaches his hands out for them and started to clean the blood off her skin so he could see how terrible the gash on her back was.

"Come on,"Gally taps on Liam's shoulder and began to pull him out of the room. The boy had lost all the colours on his face when he saw the state of Primrose's back, and Gally didn't want him fainting at the sight of blood and giving more work for the med-jacks to handle. They needed to focus on her and her only.

Liam's head snapped towards his keeper, "But-"

"There's nothing we can do for her now, let them handle it. We clear out and give them space." The keeper told him, keeping his tone calm and even. At times like this, Gally does show he is capable of being a reliable leader. He had always been reliable, just too stubborn for his own good. 

Liam cast one last glance at Primrose, before nodding his head hesitantly and followed after Gally. 

"I'm not leaving." Newt grunts out to Minho, both of them had sat themselves near the entrance, a good few feet away from where the med-jacks were with Primrose. "I'm not leaving her."

Minho smacks the side of his head, "Don't sound like that, don't make it sound like she's going to die." 

An agonizing scream impaled through the boys' eardrums before Newt could respond to Minho's remark and they immediately jumped onto their feet and rushed over to the bed when they saw Primrose's limbs began to frail around madly.

"Did she get stung?" Newt yelled out as he tried to catch her arms, Minho had already pressed half of his weight down against her legs.

"No! We just started stitching, I think she's conscious enough to feel the pain!" Jeff screamed back at him. 

"Hold her down steady, we dropped the needle when she started to move!" Clint was panicking and tried to look for the missing needle.

Newt roared angrily at the keeper, almost letting go of Primrose to pounce on him, "You dropped the needle into her wound?"  

"She moved without a warning!" Clint tried to defend his actions. 

"We'll hold her down, find the shucking needle you stupid slintheads!" Minho glared at Clint accusingly. 

"Rosie, it's ok, you'll be alright." Newt started to stroke her hair and whisper at her ear to calm her down. He brushed her hair away from her face to make it easier for her to breathe. The blood on it had already dried and made her hair matted. 

A wail escaped her lips and she struggled when Jeff began to stick the needle through her skin. Both Newt and Minho held her down harder to stop her from moving. Newt cursed the creators in his mind using all the vocabulary he could think of as he listened to the response she made with every affliction that was infliction on her. Primrose wouldn't have to suffer so much if the creators had sent over some painkillers for them. He winced at the imaginary pain and was certain that he would be in the same state as Primrose if he had to get stitches when he is still awake. 

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