1.33 - Bonfire

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I was sitting on a branch, my eyes scanning through the glade peacefully as I watch shadows and figures going about at their tasks. One of my legs was hung down from the branch, and I supposed that was how Newt had spotted me and made his way towards me. I didn't have to hear him to know what he was going to tell me, I was just outside the Gathering hut, and I heard most of the commotion that went in there. Newt was going to deliver the news that I was to replace Ben until he's better. I didn't mind doing his job for him if it meant he gets enough rest to heal from the attack. I wonder how different he would be from the Ben we all knew and liked.

I waited until Newt was close enough before asking solemnly, "He's not going to be the same as before is he?"

Newt sighs before plopping down, his back leaning against the bark. "None of them that went through the bloody Changing had been the same. Take Gally for example."

I frowned before looking down at him, only to find myself looking at the top of Newt's head. "Gally was stung before?"

"Yup." Newt clicks his tongue. "Where else did you think he got that bloody temper from?"

"Genetics." I answered honestly, causing him to throw his head back and laugh.

"Chuckie told me greenbean's name's Thomas." Newt says suddenly.

"Thomas? Cool- Wait a bloody second, his name is Thomas? He said his name is Thomas?" I jumped down from the branch, landing in front of Newt and giving him a scare. "Greenbean's name is Thomas?"

Newt eyes me carefully, "That what Chuck told me. Why?"

"Oh, nothing. Was counting the boys' names in my head the other day and wondered why we hadn't have a Thomas yet." I lied smoothly. 

"I see." Newt turns his gaze somewhere else and I followed, immediately finding Chuck waddling towards Thomas with some food and two metal cups of water clutched in his arms. "Seems like Chuck's being a good host."

"Frypan probably freaked Chuck took two of each." I chuckled before sitting down next to him, laughing quietly when Thomas gobbles down the food. After a couple of bites, Thomas's face suddenly drops to a troubled one and he asked Chuck something.

"He's curious." Newt spoke in a slightly accusing tone. "Ain't a good sign if a greenie's curious."

"Let's just hope Chuck has a sealed mouth." I said doubtfully. "Wanna tell them to sit with us for lunch?"

Newt shrugs and allows me to hold his hand, "Sure, it'll be a nice change. We can keep an eye on them too. I don't trust Chuck to keep the cat in the bag."

Chuck seemed relieved upon seeing Newt and I carrying our meals towards where they sat. Whenever Thomas has a question, Newt answered, but giving the boy enough hints to let him know he should feel scared and be wary of his new surroundings. I tried to spark up a conversation with my twin, but Thomas didn't respond much despite my efforts, which was disappointing as I had been hoping he would warm up to me easily. Twice I caught him looking at the scar across my eye, and it made me insecure enough to start to cover it using my hair. I didn't like having hair on my face, but I like it better when I'm not being stared at. Newt seemed to have noticed what I was trying to do and brush the hair away from my eye after a while, which made me feel warm inside as he didn't make it seemed like he did it purposefully. 

Lunch was a combination of awkward and tense, and it made me wish Minho was here because his sarcastic comments would lighten up the mood. It's rare for him to not have dinner with us, but he was still in the runner's hut, probably observing the map by himself again. The shank almost gave Newt a heart attack earlier as he came back around ten minutes before the doors closed and judging by the look on Newt's face, he was ready to strangle the runner when Minho casually waves in our direction.

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