1.47 - Aftermath

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Dawn welcomed us into the catasrophy that occured last night, whatever that was left of it anyway. I was one of the first to wake up as my body was accustomed to waking up at early hours since I became a runner. I glanced over at Minho, who was staring off into space at the direction of where the Map room was at, or used to be at. His fingers were busy pulling the grass out from the earth and a small bald patch had grown underneath him. My eyes returned to look at the blond hair boy who was sleeping soundly next to me. Now that more light was seeping into the glade, I could see his face better and I was relieved to see that he looked peaceful while he slept. There was a bit of dirt on his cheek and as I tried to clean it off with my thumb, I accidentally woke the boy up in the process. 

"Morning, Rosie." He greeted me as he held onto my hand that was on his cheek. His voice was raspy as he had just woken up. 

I smiled at him in return, "Morning, Newt. Seems like you had a good sleep."

"Would have been bloody better if the doors had closed last night." He grunts as he sat up, noticing Minho was staring off in the distance by himself. "Oi, Minho. You dead yet?"

 "I feel shucking amazing, thanks for asking." Came the other boy's reply. 

I peered into the slammer next to us and saw Thomas had not woken up yet. Before I could stand up to open the slammer to jump inside to check on him, Gally came along. Most of us ignored his presence and turned our heads away from him. I saw most because I noticed Liam, Chuck, Teresa, Jeff and Frypan were sleeping close to us as well and had not shown signs of stirring.

"Two choices." Gally wasted no time for introduction as he held up two fingers. "You're either with him or with me."

I scoffed at him. "This isn't time to pick sides, we have to work together."

"Oh yes it is," Gally glares at me. "Either you're on my side and we defend the glade from the grievers, or you're with those two traitorous rats," he points at Thomas and Teresa, "To be banished by sundown."

"You have no right to decide what to do with Thomas's and Teresa's life." Newt stood up to face Gally, arms crossed and eyes narrowed in annoyance. I stood up too, ready to defend Newt if Gally decides to shove him. Although I knew for a fact I couldn't possibly beat Gally in a brawl, but I'm quick enough to bat his attacks away if he does start the fight. 

 Gally cocks a victorious eyebrow, "Oh yeah, it's clear that you haven't heard what the other survivors have said Newt, they all agreed with me." He turns on his heel to leave, "You have until sundown to decide, no rush." 

It's saddening to witness our worst fallout with Gally and not being able to do anything to salvage it. Whatever little friendship we might have with him is completely gone at this point. 

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I'll be bugging happier to deal with a shuck griever than with Gally right now." Newt mutters darkly from next to me. 

"Wonder if half of his words are true." Minho finally stop moping and came to sit by us. 

"I hope not," I answered uncertainty, "I can take them all down in a fight, but I don't want to injure the other gladers especially when we have grievers on our backs now." 

Minho claps sarcastically, "Our hero." 

Newt glanced around the glade, and I assumed he was making a mental note of how many gladers are left alive. "Let's just continue to sleep for a few more hours." He said finally, surprising both Minho and I. "No bugging point waking up early anyway, everything's destroyed."

"I'm with him."I clamped my hand over my mouth to cover my yawn. "I always thought our wake up time was way too early and always wished we could sleep in until noon. Didn't expect it to happen so soon." 

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