1.40 - Grievers VS Runners -Part 2

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All three of us jumped at least ten feet in the air when the griever tries to fight its way through the rapidly closing walls, and we watched as it gradually gets sandwiched between the walls before getting crushed to death.

One down, don't know how many more to go.

"We might die tonight so might as well tell you now." I said casually before turning to look at my twin, "Thomas, you're my twin brother. Although I'm not sure who's the older one."

Thomas started spluttering, "What are you talking about? I- I never-"

Minho slaps my back roughly, knocking the air out of my stomach, "Great timing you got there Prim. Ew." I followed Minho's disgusted gaze and nearly gagged when I noticed Minho had accidentally stepped on some goo that I suspect was the griever's blood. I bit my tongue and restrained myself from jumping in front of the now squashed griever and sing 'Suck it!'.

A groan echoed from our left, even Thomas who was talking stopped. We knew there was another one from a corner. I wonder if they griever could still see us if we stay very still? A griever showed itself and stood in front of us with its tail poised at the position to sting, it was moving towards us in an agonizingly slow manner, as though it was mocking at our tired bodies.

But that wasn't all, it was as though when the first griever died, it had somehow managed to send a signal to its friends. I snapped my head behind me when I heard the familiar metal noises behind me and nearly exclaimed out loud at the three grievers behind me. I would have if Thomas didn't clasp his hand over my mouth. One griever for each of us?? We could barely handle one!

All three of us began to get up from the ground and backed away as slowly as we could. I found myself gulping more than once. I had run out of arrows, attacking from a distance isn't an option. We had nowhere to go now, the grievers had succeeded trapping us. Trying to be sneaky, I handed Minho and Thomas a machete and was glad that I brought along extra weapons for them. But that doesn't go unnoticeable to the grievers as one of them lets out a warning screech.

"Hey you guys have your stings, at least let us have a knife so this will be a fair fight." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

Without warning, Thomas suddenly sprinted towards the griever who stood by itself, surprising the creatures as well as us. The ugly thing retracted just an inch and stopped moving its claws. Thomas started screaming as he charged. I felt a hard tug before realizing Minho was dragging me along with him as he followed Thomas's footsteps.

The griever, after overcoming its shock, went charging towards us. I saw Thomas planted his left foot and dove to the right before going towards the opposite direction of him, shoving Minho along the way. Unable to stop its momentum, the griever zoomed straight him before shuddering to a halt. It's moving a bit faster now.

"Let's go!" Thomas yelled for us to follow him. Suddenly, noticing the cleared path, I picked myself up from the ground and ran.

The four grievers followed us from behind, but they were slower compared to one griever chasing us because each was trying to get through the path at the same time, causing them to collide with each other. Minho suddenly reaches his hands out and yanks us into the adjoining hallway.

"What-" Thomas begins but was cut off.

"Shut up and follow me!" Minho yelled, already dragging us to where he was headed to.

Without another word, Thomas and I quietly followed the Keeper of the Runners. Together we ran through corridors, taking turn after turn. Minho seemed to know exactly what he was doing and where he was going. That boy didn't even pause to think or hesitate which path to take, I wonder what was the plan he had in his head.

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