1.20 - Indistinguishable

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The monster was a predator. Its frontal eyes were better than any hawk's and its yellow teeth were sharper than the blade of a sword. It was creeping in the shadows, watching every movement I make with hardly any interest. I whimpered before pressing my back at the corner harder as if I hoped the wall would expand if I pushed against it with enough force. I pulled the collar of my shirt up to muffled my ragged breathing. The monster cast no shadow, made no noise and it stayed stilled at the corner opposite me. Its red eyes staring at me as though I was the last piece of meat available. Maybe I am.

Suddenly, it blinks twice at me before moving one of its legs and drags something from behind it. Even in the dark, I could see it was dragging its victim's body from underneath it and slowly directed it towards its mouth that was wide open by now. The victim, however was still alive but barely as he lets out a pained whimper. I could tell he was a boy judging by his figure.

"Primrose," I could hardly register the fact he called my name when I saw the blood that was on his face. He uses as much strength he could gather as he had an arm stretched towards me. "Help...help me pl- please." Even though his voice was hoarse, but I could still identify the owner.

"Frypan." I managed to choke out as I stared at the horrifying scene in front of me. The monster bit down on Frypan's leg and tore it off like the way some gladers do when they were having chicken for lunch. Frypan lets out a shrill scream which in return made me jumped in fright before covering my ears with my hands; a miserable attempt to block out his painful wails. Whatever Frypan was screaming now didn't matter, I just want to leave.

I immediately bolted towards the opposite direction, ignoring Frypan's cries for help as I stumbled my way through the forest. I didn't take note where I was running to and during my haste, I tripped over something that caused me to fall and sprawled on the ground. A surging pain shoots through the same ankle that I've twisted a few weeks ago, making me bite on my lip to stop myself from screaming as I clutched it tightly with my hands.

When I looked up, all I saw are the bodies of the gladers. They lie like dolls over the grass when the little girl suddenly loses the interest to play with them. Some bloodied, some bruised and some unfortunate ones had a missing head or body part. I snapped my head to a side, hoping I didn't land anywhere near the corpses.

But I couldn't control the scream when my hand accidentally brushed against something cold. Newt and Minho were lying on the ground near each other, their heads resting in an angle that couldn't be considered sleeping. They were dead and they are cold. Smiles that used to make me think everything was going to be alright had vanished from the world forever and hearts that used to beat are still when I tried to listen for them. Their limbs are soft, mouths wide open and eyes half-closed.

"Wake up!" I found myself shaking them desperately when I saw the monster looming towards us. "Wake up please! WAKE UP!"

The monster was getting closer and closer but neither Newt nor Minho was moving, its teeth were now dyed red with Frypan's blood and it wanted more. I stood up and tried to drag them away from the monster that was approaching us at a faster pace but they were too heavy for me and I wasn't able to move them quick enough. What halted me in my tracks was when I saw one of its limbs shaking a corpse in front of me, and I stopped breathing when I saw it was Liam. 

The monster stretches out its tongue and laces it around Minho's foot, causing me to scream as I tried to kick the slimy purple thing away. One of its claws had reached out and grabbed Newt by his waist. I fall towards the ground, my hands still clutching tightly against the fabric of their shirt as I tried to wrestle them away from the monster.

Of course, the monster overpowers me and with a harsh pull, both Newt and Minho escaped from my grip and the monster immediately scurries away with them. No... ...

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