1.43 - Apple

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As timid as a mouse scampering in the dark to look for food, I stood in front of the room that both Newt and I share; fist rose in mid-air as I debated whether I should knock before I enter- or even enter at all.

Newt had cooped himself in the room ever since he had fallen from the tree and refused to come out when Minho demanded him to. After twenty minutes of threats and coaxing, Minho finally gave up. He passes me in the hallway and gave me a weary look while I returned with a timid one. He looked like he wanted to say something but after a moment of silence between the both of us, he settles with a pat on my shoulder instead before leaving for real.

The weight of the plate in my hand seemingly increases as seconds pass by with me trying to gather up the courage to knock on the door. I knew I could just barge in there if I wanted to because Newt had kept the door unlocked, but the mental image of Newt curling up in a ball crying stopped me.

As badly as I want to comfort the crying boy, I haven't the slightest idea how to. Maybe give him a hug? How long should the hug last? I didn't even bother to comfort the greenies that I witnessed coming through the box and remembered how disgusted I was at them for crying and wanting to go home.

Whatever, I'll just improvise after I knock. I can do this.

But the door swung opened as soon as I brought my fists down, knocking on Newt's chest instead of the wooden surface that stood as a weak barrier earlier. My eyes widen at the sudden change of contact and nearly dropped the plate of food I had with me.

"Ouch." Newt's thick accent mutters as though he was trying to entertain me.

"Newt!" I gasp his name before noticing his bloodshot eyes.

Never mind I can't do this.

"Erm- here!" I practically shoved the plate into his hands. "Here is your food! Your food for the night! Also known as your dinner! Erm- bye!" I turned around and tried to make a run for it. But before I could take more than two steps, a hand enclosed around mine and prevented me from doing so.

"Rosie," Newt had a small smile hung across his lips as he gently tugs me into our room. "Come eat with me."

"Haha no thanks, I already ate." I laughed awkwardly as I scratched the back of my neck nervously. 

Newt sat down on the floor and pats the empty space next to him. "Accompany me then. I never liked eating alone."

Hm, that sounds inviting enough.

I found myself nodding at him. "Okay."

"So how was your day, Rosie?" Newt asks me casually as he started eating. I narrowed my eyes at him before choosing my answer carefully.

"It was fine. How was yours?"

Oh shuck! What an intelligent question you got there Primrose!

"Mine? It was bloody great as well." Newt was determined to keep his gaze on his food. I nearly missed the small crack of his voice in the middle of his sentence. He sniffs and rubs his nose.

"You know," I scoot closer towards him. "You still own me an apple."

Newt snaps his head at my direction at a speed that I didn't think was possible as he widens his eyes at my statement. He then frowns, as though trying to recall what I have said before both of us started climbing the tree. Realization hits him after a few seconds of silence and he sighs and looks down at his almost empty plate.

"No wonder there was no apple on my plate."

"You have to admit I am good at tricking people." I fluttered my eyelashes at him innocently.

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