1.2 - Liar

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I learnt from Newt that the poorly built house I was in earlier was called Homestead instead of Homestick. But it's made out of wood and sticks so I don't really see any difference. Newt had also told me that we're not supposed to remember anything except our own names and he called the people who sent us here Creators. I don't understand the logic of it as we're clearly not created by these people. When Newt led me into Frypan's kitchen, the whole place quiet down immediately and I felt every pair of eyes rest on me as though I was some display in a zoo. Everything happened so fast, but I remembered grabbing Newt's wrist tightly because I was still nervous that people will try to eat me when we first set foot into the kitchen.

"Is that a shucking girl?"

"She's hot!"

"I call dibs!"

"I think Newt's already done that."

"Where did she come from?"

"None of them got an ounce of respect in them." I whispered at Newt as I rolled my eyes at a nearby boy. Have they not seen a girl before? Just when Newt was about to open his mouth and say something, a deep voice rumbled out.

"Shut your holes!"

Turning my head towards the source of the voice, I found a dark-skinned boy looking at me with what seems like a permanent scowl on his face. He looks like he could take a break from whichever crisis he was going through. The boys who had stood up earlier to have a look at me step aside and formed a path for him to walk through. And he did.

Lose the focus in your eyes! Lose your focus!

Finally, he stopped walking, but to my horror, he stood in front of me with his arms folded across his chest. if he was trying to intimidate me, it's working. "Who are you?" he asked after casting me a suspicious look. I gave him a casual shrug as I placed one of my hands against my hip.

Don't blame me, I can't remember my name. Judging from the look on the boy with a darker skinned tone compared to the rest, he didn't like my attitude. Luckily Newt was here as he interjects.

"She hasn't remembered her name yet Alby and I found her at the deadheads a couple of minutes ago. Thought she would bloody attack me judging from the look on her face." Well, thanks for the introduction.

"Care to explain why she didn't look at people when one was conversing with her earlier?" Alby asked sarcastically as his scowl deepens.

"Well, about that, she... erm..."

"I'm bloody blind, you idiot!" I hissed at the boy, annoyed.

Alby had a surprised look on his face before he asked his next question. "How did you get into the glade?"

"Do I have wings behind my back?" I asked seriously as I turn around with my back facing him. "Because honestly, that would be cool and maybe I can fly my way out of here. Does anyone here have superpowers? Maybe we're inside here because we're special." No one said anything for a while. I think I just stunned everyone here.

Cue the eye roll. From all of us.

"No we bloody don't greenie, now let's get you something to eat before... anything interesting happens." Newt spoke awkwardly before grabbing hold of my hand and pulling me towards a boy who was standing behind a table. "Hey Frypan, feed greenie will ya?"

"You look like you're starving greenie," Frypan observed me for a moment before turning around and started to do something. Alby suddenly appeared beside Newt before grabbing hold of Newt's shoulder.

"We need to have a gathering." He spoke quietly after stealing a quick glance at me. I can see you! I taunt him and also praying he couldn't hear me at the same time. "Now."

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