1.41 - Teresa

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"Gally you klunk, why can't you let me sleep longer?" I grumbled loudly as I made my way towards the Gathering Hut sleepily. Due to the lack of sleep, my mind couldn't really focus on anything and I resorted to tugging Minho's shirt and let him guide me to the place.

Not before tripping over uneven grounds three times.

"Will you hurry up shank?" Minho said in an annoyed tone. I guess I wasn't the only one who's suffering from the side effect from the lack of sleep. I let out a loud groan before lying down on the grass.

"Just leave me out of the stupid gathering and tell Gally to suck a toe or something if he throws a fit." I heard Minho groan out loud before forming a lazy grin on my face. That's good, if I annoy him enough he'd probably leave me alone to sleep and go off to the gathering himself. Suddenly, I felt my body floating before giggling madly and swayed my arms a bit as though I was trying to catch something that wasn't there.

"Weeee~ I'm flying!"

"What's wrong with, Rosie?" I hear someone asked in a concerned tone, but it was kind of muffled and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't lift my head fully or open my eyes to see who it was, resulting my head to bop around something soft. I probably look like an idiot.

"Sleep deprived." I heard another voice spoke as I was placed down somewhere. "Just let her sleep here, should've let her stay in bed."

"How is she still sleep deprived? She slept away the whole day already."

"Don't be silly, only Gally and Newt have a bed, I have a-" I frowned before asking, "What do I have?"

"Just keep sleeping, Rosie." I felt someone touched my head as quickly as it left. Warmth soon engulfed my body and I continue to sleep while inhaling the fabric that was put on top of me. It smells comforting.

"In place of our leader, sick in bed, I declare this Gathering begun," The same voice spoke, a lot louder and further than before. One of my eyes lazily rolled open and tried to focus on the figure that was standing in the middle. It seems that it was Newt who had just spoken. "As you all know; the last few days have been bloody crazy and quite a bit seems centered around our Greenbean, Tommy, seated before us."

"What about the girl?" Someone closer yelled.

"What about her?"

"She survived a night in the maze; twice. And she climbed over the walls the second time she did it, don't you think there's something strange about her? She's jacked in the head! No one normal would do that."

"She helped saving us so shut your trap." I heard another voice snapped, his tone full of authority. He was much harsher than the first who spoke.

"He's not a greenie anymore." A familiar scratchy voice so low and cruel it was almost comical. "He's just a rule breaker now." His statement started off a rumbling of mummers and whispers but the first gentle voice shushed them.

"Gally." 'Gentle' spoke, "Try to keep some bugging order here. If you're gonna blabber your shuck mouth every time I say something, you can go ahead and bloody leave, because I'm not in a very cheerful mood."

It was silent for a while and my guess was 'Scratchy' didn't dare to retort any further. 'Gentle' continued talking, "Glad we got that out of the way. Reason we're here is because almost every loving kid in the Glade has come up to me in the last day or two either boohooing about Thomas or begging to take his bloody hand in marriage. We need to decide what we're gonna do with him."

I giggled quietly at the mention of someone wanting to take Thomas's hand in marriage.

"Zart the Fart, you start." Gentle said. There were a few snickers as Zart shifted in his seat.

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