1.5 - Allergy

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Newt joined me by the doors by the time the runners are supposed to return and he kept me occupied by talking about the glade. Newt tried to convince me that Alby was harmless, but I was too stubborn to acknowledge any noble or kind thing Alby has done to not be afraid of him. He gave up gradually and began telling me about each newbie that came through the metal box.

Apparently, none of them overreacted like I did.

"Glad to see you shanks having the time to relax." I heard a voice puff from behind Newt and I. My smile was similar to a Cheshire cat's when I responded, ecstatic to see the flower bracelet was still on his wrist although bits and pieces of it are missing.

"How's the maze Minho? Anything new? Newt, check for his bracelet!"

"It's there, Rosie. I'm looking at it."

Before Minho could reply, a few runners who jogged past us chuckled before told him in a teasing tone. "Looking good, Newt."

"Thanks shanks." Minho smiled at them before let it change into a death glare. Both of them widen their eyes before scurrying away from him. Minho turned and looked at me once they were out of earshot.

"I'm going to kill you."

"Tsk, tsk. I thought rule number two is to never hurt another glader?" I fluttered my eye lashes innocently before sniggering at him. "Come on Minho, don't be such a sour glader. And they weren't even making fun of you!"

"They were looking at my wrist when they spoke to Newt!"

"Nah. They're just admiring Newt because he's a pretty boy."

"Speaking of sour," Newt spoke, his brown eyes staring at someone behind me. "Gally doesn't bloody look very happy to me."

Minho scoffed before taking the flower bracelet off his wrist and carelessly tossed it onto my face, successfully making me sneeze because of the pollen. Very ladylike, Primrose.

"That's because some shank made him sleep in the slammer and beat him in arm wrestling. How happy do you think he'll be?" He gave me a pointed look.

I scratched the side of my chin before speaking. "Don't look at me, it wasn't my fault he fell for my plan."

"Did you just say Gally is stupid?"

"What? No!" I protest before scratching my ear this time. Why is my face so itchy all of the sudden?

Minho clapped his hands in glee before pointing at me. "You did!" I would tell him he looks like a kid who just learned how to write his name but I can't. "Shut up Minho."

"But you said builders are stupid!"

I shook my head before scratching my arms this time. "I never said that."

"But you implied that they are."

"I said I created a distraction slinthead."

"Which means stupid in a word."

I frowned. "Don't say people are stupid."

"Hey I never said that. Newt did."

"How did you know what he said?"

"Don't bloody drag me into this." Newt grumbled before looking at me. "Rosie?"

"Yes Mr. Second-In-Command?" My voice was strained slightly because I was trying to reach and scratch the itch at my back. Minho had stopped talking when Newt addressed me and his eyes widen all of the sudden and he yelled.

"Holy shuck Primrose! Your skin is red in colour and I think your cheek is bloated!"

I sneezed once more before rubbing my nose. For a moment I thought he was being serious because I experience the same thing this morning while I was making the flower crown and bracelet. But the itchiness was not as severe as the one I'm experiencing right now.

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