1.45 - Newt's Limp

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Turns out things could go in a disastrous direction very, very fast. In fact, it could happen so fast all that I could think of is 'How the hell did that happen?'

Minho, Thomas and I followed the signal cautiously until we reached the end of the maze, and somehow my idiot of a brother accidentally set off the walls and caused them to start shifting, which never happens during the daylight need I remind you. Both boys were the ones not horrified enough to have a head start running, I saw Thomas passing the metal cylinder to Minho for safe keeping before starting to sprint as well.

We managed to run out of the tunnel that leads to the end of the maze, and for the slightest moment,I thought the danger was over. Panic starts to set in me when I noticed that the part of the maze that the runners call 'fans' are shifting to trap us in as well.

Minho yells out an order, "Run! We need to get back!"

I pulled my brother along as I run past him as he had his back facing the fans and has not noticed what is happening with Minho a few steps ahead of us. "Go! Go!" The keeper yells.

I could have run faster, I knew I could outrun the boys anytime I wanted to, but I wanted to make sure no one would be left behind and ran last. Hopefully, no one is clumsy enough to trip in this heated moment or else we're doomed. The fans that we ran past seem to have minds of their own, closing almost immediately as we ran past them. I wanted to shove Thomas to get him to go faster, but was afraid at the prospect that he'll fall down instead.

We were zig-zagging around the maze with Minho in the lead and somehow in the middle of it Minho had made it through a fan by himself, which leaves Thomas and I the option of running alongside the remaining open fans of the same row. I skidded to a stop and crashed into the metal wall as it closes, quickly following Thomas's path afterwards. Minho was yelling at us to go faster from the other side.

"Minho!" Thomas shouts, momentarily baffling me. I mean, Minho isn't that fast to swoop back in to help us.

"You're going too slow." I growled at my brother before shoving him to the other side. His running feet were the thing that kept him from tripping over the sudden impact, that, and Minho caught him when he went to the other side. I had no problem to cross over the fans and join the boys. Soon, we reached the end of the fans and back to the familiar tall, grey walls.

To the horror of all three of us, they were shifting too. We stopped, taking the moment to decide what to do. Thankfully we did too, because the ground in front of us starts to open. If any of us were on there, we would fall off of it. As the ground splits into half consistently, long heavy metals began to fall into its place. We would have been crushed if we didn't start running right away.

"Don't look back!" Minho's advice was contributed in a yell, and I knew why, because whoever looks back will register the horror chasing after us from behind, get stunned and will slow down.

Ironically, Thomas hadn't decided to look back until we heard Minho's words.

We finally came to the middle section where no falling metal or rocks preparing to attack us. However, there are a few problems that came along. One, the only opening left is closing rapidly. Two, the only way to get through is to climb hurriedly through the narrowing gap. Three, I'm shucking claustrophobic.

When we reached the leftover gap, it was already halfway up and the boys have to jump to reach the top. Minho went scurrying up without a problem whereas Thomas needed some help. Bending down slightly, I gave him a boost and made the decision of not following them back to the glade.

I can't go through the closing walls, I won't be able to breathe.

As grey smoke and dust began to cloud my vision, the wall sealed itself up completely and I prayed that the boys made it across alive and well. The only thing I could do was crouched against the wall and try to shield myself the best I could until the dust had cleared.

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