~Chapter 9~

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Question: How do y'all fell about a discord server? Seriously doubt anyone would join, but it'd be fun to talk to y'all. Maybe answer some questions. Ya know?

Bit of a weird chapter, as well as short. Enjoy

It watched it's prey walk back from its trip. It's prey dragged his feet from staying up all night, and possibly from the disappoinment of not being able to finish his task.

It watched him enter his home. It watched as he sat down and let it a frustrated groan along with a sigh.

"Oh, you did all right," It said, as it stood in front of him, even if he could not see it.

He sat up and looked around before settling back down. "Where are you?" He asked.

It moved and spread all around the room as if consuming it, "It doesn't matter," it responded, "It matters to why you seem so down. I thought you didn't like doing these things."

"I don't," he responded, "I thought maybe if I did what you wanted for once you'd leave me alone."

It let out a amused laugh, "Is that what you though?" It asked, "You're very wrong you know."

He frowned, "Then what can I go to get you to leave?" He asked.

"You can't," It simply said back.

He groaned, "Just leave me alone."

"I don't think I will," It said back. It laughed to itself at his frustration. "You know that you still need to complete what I need you to do."

"And what if I don't do it?" He asked.

"Then I guess I'll torment you," it said back, "I mean that's just as fun as killing who you need to."

"I don't understand why you want me to do this," he said.

"Let's just say, it'll better you and me," it answered.

"What about the other person?" He asked.

"On yeah, him too," it answered, "A little less but still."

"How will doing this better us?" He asked.

"So many questions," It said instead of answering, "Perhaps I should leave you to ponder it instead of answering."

"No don't do that," he said, "Answer my question."

It remained silent, it was still there he knew that. It never left. However it could remain silent.

He scoffed and continued on with his day.

It watched and theoretically smiled to itself. It remembered when he ran way after the attack. It remembered as he has nightmare after nightmare until it came to save him. After that he willingly helped it. Sure he might have not liked it but he still helped it.

It was nice to have two people under it's influence instead of one. Except they both took it out in very different ways. It was weird. I guess that's what you get when you take some the most magically powerful people in the kingdom.

It's other prey also was coming back from a supposedly failed mission. He yawned and went straight to bed. It wasn't one for dream plaguing. So it left that one alone and went back to the other one.

He had taken off his red helmet and was now brushing out his white hair. He seemed to be glaring at himself in the mirror, but he always seemed to be glaring. His red eyes looked like they could pierce through anything by the way he glared.

It theoretically smiled to it's self again.

"Don't worry, we'll get you back on your throne," it said, "I'll make sure of it Ex."


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