~Chapter 6~

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Hello? 1.16k reads? Or at least last I checked. Thank you so much! I finally give you a chapter that moves the plot! XD

Sorry it's another short one.
Publishing this at a weird hour.

Mumbo, wasn't anyone special per say. Though most would argue that someone who is friends with the king would be pretty special. He was a simple inventor, who also just so happened to have access to a lot of the kingdom's archives.

To be fair he only had access to them to help him with his job. Which was pretty self explanatory. He invented things that would help the people of Ermitist. To be even more specific help people with farms.

Mumbo sighed as he picked up a paper, reading it briefly before settign it down. He was here today in the archive room because he had no idea what to do. Besides, he thought he could get some ideas from reading some of the archives he's never read before.

There were some interesting things in the kingdom's history. For instance Ermitist is mostly known for being a peaceful kingdom, and is not known for being involved in wars. So it was interesting to read about different wars hay had happened in the past. It all just intrigued Mumbo.

Until he found something. Not just papers, but basically an entire book. Mumbo examined the book's cover. There was weird symbol on it and the cover was written in an old language. Curious, Mumbo opened the book and started to read it.

The M╎ℸ ̣ ᒷ╎⍑╎ℸ or better known as Watchers, have been known to watch over different kingdoms coming and going as they please. They are the protectors and keep kingdoms safe from different disasters that may or are going to occur. Occasionally Watchers will choose apprentices to be trained by them and become one. This is usually known to be a great Honor.

In the kingdom of Ermitist the Watchers don't show up often as this is an normally peaceful kingdom. When they do appear they live in The Watcher Wing. A place blocked of after the supposed assassination of the Watchers and their two apprentices. (See page ##)

Mumbo could tell that the last part had been added on later. Mumbo had heard about The Watcher Wing and how no one was supposed to go into there. He knew Xisuma also barely went into there, something about trauma. However Mumbo was curious about what happened to the Watchers and flipped to the page.

In the year #### all the Watchers and one of their apprentices were found dead in The Watcher Wing. The other apprentice was missing and never found. It is unknown to whether or not the apprentice is alive. It is also unknown to what happened to the Watchers.

The most common theory is that they were assassinated or just straight up murdered. However the actual cause is unknown as there seemed to be huge claw marks on the Watchers and the surrounding area.

The Watchers were found dead around midnight by Prince Xisuma when he was 10. It was said he liked visiting them because they told great stories. (What am I writing TwT) However the poor prince found them dead.

Mumbo closed the book and put it away. He probably had read a little too much. He did now understand why Xisuma avoided The Watcher Wing. But what stood out to him most was the fact that he might have known one of the apprentices, which is something he wasn't sure how to feel about.

(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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