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Fun Fact: the live or die poll was to see if Scar or Grian died. Someone was gonna die either way. :D There's no escape.
Also sorry this come out late, I got sick

Middle of Autumn, a year later

Scar ran his hand across the podium on the stone statue, brushing off the dead leaves that had fallen down onto it. The statue was located in one of the castle's private courtyards. Xisuma hadn't felt the need to advertise something that really only the people in the castle knew.

To the public, The Assassin was captured by the King. To the people in the castle, The Watcher was the reason they all still lived and breathed today. To Scar, Grian gave his life for a cause that shouldn't have had to.

Scar leaned back into his wheelchair. The statue was beautiful and fit Grian pretty well if you asked Scar. It showed him, with his wings and a halo, posing dramatically.

The statue was basically a tombstone for Grian. There was even a plaque on the statue with words resembling tombstone engravings.


Scar jolted out of his thoughts and turned in the direction of the voice, to see Bdubs coming towards him.

"Gem said that you should try to stop visiting the statue so much," Bduds said.

"I know," Scar replied as he started to stroke Jellie in his lap.

"If you know then why are you here?" Bdubs said walking closer to Scar.

"Well I feel bad," Scar said, turning his attention back to the statue.

Bdubs sighed and turned to look at the statue with Scar, "You know it's not your fault. In fact you kind of saved us."

Scar didn't respond. He continued to stare at statue Grian while petting Jellie.

Bduds gently tapped Scar's wheelchair with his foot to get his attention, "If you really feel bad you should say everything you want to then come back inside."

Scar sat in silence for a second before responding, "I'll try."

Bdubs smiled, "I'll wait by the door," he started running off, "Don't take too long or else Gem is gonna scold you."

Scar watched Bdubs leave before turning to the statue. He didn't really know what to say. He didn't know how to put it into words.

But he said he would try.

"Hi Grian," Scar said, giving a smile to the statue, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry I listened to the green. I released Ex when I was traveling, I should've just left. I shouldn't have dropped that crystal and taken it back when I realized you had it. Maybe we would have found another way to stop Ex and you wouldn't have died."

Scar started to get quieter as he spoke. His voice eventually turned into a mumble and then a whisper.

"I'm trying to fulfill my goal. It's hard when I feel like this is my fault. I'm having trouble using my magic now, since the explosion actually. Maybe Vexes are just bad luck."

Scar didn't know how long he was sitting there and just talking but at one point he had stopped talking, and was sitting there petting Jellie as a way to ground himself. Suddenly there was a wind that gently touched his face, as if comforting him.

"Thank you for listening Grian," Scar said before stretching his arms to move himself away, "Goodbye."

He started rolling himself away but stopped and turned one last time to look at the statue.

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